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John Quiggin

  • Professor John Quiggin is an economist and an Australian Laureate Fellow in Economics at the University of Queensland.

    He is prominent both as a research economist and as a commentator on Australian economic policy. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and many other learned societies and institutions. He has produced over 1500 publications, including six books and over 200 refereed journal articles, in fields including decision theory, environmental economics, production economics, and the theory of economic growth.

    John has also written on policy topics including climate change, microeconomic reform, privatisation, employment policy and the management of the Murray-Darling river system. His book, Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us, was released in 2010 by Princeton University Press and has been translated into eight languages.

    His latest book, Economics in Two Lessons: Why Markets Work So Well, and Why They Can Fail So Badly, is out now from Princeton University Press.

    You can follow John on Twitter @JohnQuiggin.

Articles written by John Quiggin (70)

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