Profile On

David Stephens

  • Dr David Stephens is the secretary of Honest History, a coalition of historians and others supporting the balanced and honest presentation and use of Australian history during the centenary of World War I.

    David has an MA in politics from Monash University and a PhD in political science and Graduate Diploma in Public Law from ANU. His Master’s thesis was on the impact of the Great Depression on the policies of the Curtin and Chifley Governments and his PhD thesis on decision-making in the ALP 1955-69.

    Dr Stephens spent nearly twenty years in the Australian Public Service, working mainly in transport and communications policy areas, then ten years as a consultant and government relations lobbyist.

    Since retiring he has completed a Diploma in Arts (French) at ANU and worked intensively on the successful campaign to prevent the building of additional World War memorials in Canberra to rival the Australian War Memorial.

    Dr David Stephens has published a number of articles in academic publications and the media as well as writing and self-publishing a successful detective novel under the pseudonym Ned Rowney.

    You can follow Honest History on Twitter @honesthistory1.

Articles written by David Stephens (16)

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