After 107 days, the mean-spirited conservatives have decided to redefine “disability” writes Bob Ellis, who implores the Senate to force an early election.
AFTER 107 DAYS, it is clear the conservatives will redefine ‘disability’, as I said they would.
After betraying the whales and “liberating” Holden workers (their bosses couldn’t handle the world recession, so they should endure humiliation, and their children educational disaster) and the disadvantaged children, and after angering the Indonesians, the Chinese, the East Timorese, the Niuginians and the United Nations, and punishing the children of Tamil fugitives anxious for a better life, they are now kicking cripples, as tories in the past have been keen to do.
What a mean, sadistic bunch they are. What swindlers, what grubs.
Newspoll shows Labor up by 7 per cent in Queensland ‒ which translated means 9.5 percent ‒ and the dread penny dropping nationwide — they didn’t mean a word they said, they lied and lied and lied their way to power and now will dropkick to rich mates and rich foreigners the spoils. And it’s a pity.
Very easily avoided, of course.
A November 30 election and Rudd would have now been starting the fourth week of his third government. A forcing-down of the dollar last year would have saved the car industry. A National Disaster Levy (three cafe lattes per taxpayer per year) would have rebuilt flood-smashed towns and burnt-out farms and restored some national civility. A graceful Gillard ceding of office to Shorten ten months ago would have assured Labor power for a decade.
Very easily avoided.
But what Labor does, most years, is budget for defeat. The True Believers believe, they truly believe, they do not deserve to be in government and a ‘period in the wilderness’ is needed to come to the conclusion that a couple of hours would bring. And in the meantime, a generation is lost, and a hundred thousand disabled go aching to early graves.
It is never too early to throw the tories out. They do damage, they do evil, with hectic speed. After two months, Australia is unrecognisable.
I beseech the Senate to force an election soon.
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