Health Opinion

Let's be honest about suicide prevention

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(Image via Sander van der Wel | Flickr)

A new strategy to prevent suicide has been released, but it appears little more than another set of recommendations that will be ignored, writes Simon Tatz.

*CONTENT WARNING: This article discusses suicide

SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY has been and gone, with the usual speeches, pledges, funding commitments and yet another suicide prevention strategyAdvice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation draft.

Another year of the same approaches to suicide prevention, offering the same vague recommendations that won’t be actioned.

Unable to do more than order reports and consult with stakeholders, governments and their appointed agencies produce seemingly endless prevention strategies. They continue to fund what they know and what they know will be acceptable to a sector unwilling to acknowledge the limited effectiveness of suicide prevention strategies.

The latest draft strategy begins with grim statistics:

‘Suicide rates in Australia remain unacceptably high. Every year in Australia, more than 3,000 people die by suicide — nearly nine people a day. Suicide remains the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44 and the second leading cause of years of life lost.’

The draft strategy continues:

‘It does not have to be this way. Most suicides are preventable. Over the last few decades, the economic, health and technology factors contributing to suicide and suicidal distress have shifted. At the same time, our understanding of suicide has increased greatly.’

In 2010, when the Senate Community Affairs Committee tabled The Hidden Toll: Suicide in Australia, there were 2,191 suicides, with suicide identified as the 14th leading cause of death. Allowing for problems with Australian Bureau of Statistics data, the rate of suicide has not decreased significantly in 25 years. Nor has our understanding of suicide significantly increased.

A fundamental problem with suicide prevention strategies is the reluctance to bring self-death out of its “sealed box”. This aversion to questioning the limitations of suicide prevention initiatives creates a vicious circle: more strategies, more consultations, more recommendations, more money (because that is the only response), then repeat.

Suicide prevention strategies should not be obsessed with statistics, as if measuring slight fluctuations indicates “success” or otherwise. Strategies should open with honesty, however confronting this may be. We do not know why some people suicide; there is no single factor in suicide; and we cannot prevent all suicides.

Self-death – for that’s what it is – was first documented in ancient Egypt, two thousand years before the Christian era begat a fundamental shift in our views on suicide. Suicide exists in every state and in every culture. No country has ever “prevented” suicide and it’s doubtful we as a species can ever prevent self-death.

If we were able to break the taboo, these strategies would tell us upfront that suicide prevention is about the living. It is an understandable response to grief, tragedy, enduring loss and pain. We struggle with why and what we could have done to prevent it. We seek answers and explanations, and we appropriate blame.

We turn our anger towards those we feel should have foreseen this, prevented it, intervened. If only we had more crisis lines, more awareness campaigns, more funded psychological appointments, more apps and websites.

Suicide is not an aberration, an alien concept or phenomenon. It is not “a national shame” as a former prime minister said. No state can be responsible for the actions of individuals and no state can prevent individual actions.

Suicide cannot never be prevented, but for some, it can be stopped through physical and mental health interventions, through family, friends and support networks, and by providing safe, secure accommodation and financial security.

Taking refuge in euphemisms and slogans may give families and friends a fragment of solace. They will take no comfort from strategies that aim to alleviate or postpone suicide. If preventing suicide is the goal, then strategies should delineate between those we can target to deflect and defer from self-death and those who cannot be, by the nature of their motive or circumstance.

Suicide prevention strategies are aimed at the vulnerable, the “at risk” cohorts. There is no intervention for those who wish to end a life of physical and mental pain, or for those who want agency over their existence.  

The “risk factors” for suicide are of such magnitude that no government will concede they cannot, or will not, undertake the seismic transformations needed to address them.

Australian governments have been unable to address the risk factors by implementing repeated recommended actions on drug reform, curbing access to alcohol, gambling addiction, financial anxiety, homelessness and housing stress, exposure to violence, racism and discrimination, genetics, lack of family support, interaction with the criminal justice system, sexuality and gender, and location.

We should be honest and stop pretending governments can magically implement the recommendations in the dozens of suicide prevention strategies. They cannot legislate or fund family supports, or make one’s life hopeful and promising. Banning gambling and alcohol advertising and implementing drug reforms are seemingly beyond the pale for governments, yet we are told these are risk factors for self-death.

We should not give up on identifying and intervening. We must continue to devise and implement programs and supports that reduce suicidality, and fund and promote online and medically effective methods that alleviate and defer suicidal actions.

But we must be honest and stop talking about “zero suicide” and suicide prevention as an outcome that can be achieved if only governments invest more money and have more strategies and plans.

If you would like to speak to someone about suicide you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Simon Tatz was Director of Communications, Mental Health Australia and Director of Policy, Mental Health Victoria.

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