Tim Badrick is a freelance writer, citizens journalist and pragmatic headbutter all rolled into one. He started out with ambitions to write poetry but the the council amalgamations by stealth in Queensland in 2008 neccesitated that he apply his conservative tinged sensibilities to serious issues and stand up for the fundamental democratic rights which he had taken for granted ever since he was a child.
Since late 2007, Tim has made himself famous and infamous within the print media business for standing up against the establishment on many other issues besides the council amalgamations, his wordy and adjective laden pieces never disguise his anti-left beliefs but he doesn`t hold back either from expressing his contempt for the fascism of right-wing politics and many factions of the mainstream media. Tim can write about anything - politics, social issues, enviromental issues, lifestyle, law and order and even satire when he's had a couple too many drinks.
He does not belong to any group whatsoever, not even a bushwalking club, even though his mother keeps telling him to join one. Tim doesn`t have any political allegiances to deal with when he sits down to write anything, because he is not a member of any political party. He writes from the heart, what he thinks is right, and sticking to the truth is the only template which has any bearing on the finished product. Tim is 36 years old, he went to Rochedale State High School up until grade 10, which he completed in 1989, and has always been content, but not rolling in money, by being employed in a long list of labouring jobs which have mainly involved stores work and/or delivery driving. At present he is working ironically in the newsagency business, which is a little ironic given Tim`s new found contempt for all things Courier Mail. He hopes to sell his property at Tamborine in the near future and move out into the country a bit more to get some fresh air.
To sum up, Tim is a fair and reasonable person, open to new ideas but unashamedly traditional. The kind of guy who doesn`t like fixing something unless it`s broken or about to break. He is neutral on the issue of Australia becoming a republic, the one left tinged belief that Tim goes along with is self-determination and he believes self-determination at a referendum will decide the majority will of the australian public as to if and when there is an Australian republic. He supports having both sides of the story represented in the public forum so that the Australian people, and not the political elite, decide the fate of this wonderful country, and not just constitutionally. Tim idealogically is centre right, politically he remains apolitical. His own blog, Badrick Unadulterated, speaks for itself. It is no nonsense unadulterated freelance commentary from someone who really does care about the future.