Marilyn Shepherd is 59, grew up in the SA Mallee and have been a human rights campaigner since the early days of the illegal Vietnam invasion.
I worked on SIEV X, the ABC Four Corners film "About Woomera", exposed the brutal jailing and deportation of hundreds of Australians which saw the horror shows of Vivian Alvarez and Cornelia Rau exposed to the world.
I worked pro bono as a researcher for the Woomera lawyers while they worked tirelessly for the Bakhtiyari family — the last word anyone of them ever said to me was 7 year old Amina begging me to shoot her.
I worked on collecting evidence for the book Human Rights Overboard, have written many submissions to Senate committees.
All that has happened is the Howard mob became and the Gillard and Australia remained the racist hellhole it was.