How well do you know your current affairs and general knowledge trivia? Take our 20-question quiz to find out. (Answers below.)
1. Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, kicked off the New Year with a policy announcement for free lunches for whom? (Hint)
(a) School kids (b) Homeless people (c) Aged pensioners (d) Businesses
2. Who composed Ride of the Valkyries?
(a) Richard Strauss (b) Richard Wagner (c) Giuseppe Verdi (d) Franz Liszt
3. What are the four principles of flight?
(a) Roll, pitch, good weight distribution and yaw (b) CEO, Board, shareholders and dividends (c) Lift, weight, drag and thrust (d) Vectors, sychronised ailerons, flight plan, good luck
4. What was the name of the British archaeologist and Egyptologist who rediscovered Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922?
(a) Howard Carter (b) Shawn Carter (c) Helena Bonham Carter (d) Jimmy Carter
5. What did Australian journalist Peter Greste start doing twelve days ago in London? (Hint)
(a) He began living at the Ecuadorian Embassy (b) He began a hunger strike (c) He started a new career (d) He enrolled in a new university degree
6. Who is the ancient Greek goddess of love?
(a) Athena (b) Venus (c) Aphrodite (d) Persephone
7. Which country do food historians believe Som Tum (Green Papaya Salad) originated in?
(a) Thailand (b) Cambodia (c) Indonesia (d) Laos
8. How many pieces are in a standard chess set?
(a) 34 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 30
9. What year was the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II?
(a) 1951 (b) 1952 (c) 1953 (d) 1954
10. What famously provided the deafening soundtrack to the 2010 FIFA World Cup?
(a) Vuvuzelas (b) Whistles (c) Drums (d) Singing
(Image via Coca-Cola South Africa | Flickr)
11. Who wrote Tess of the d'Urbervilles?
(a) Robert Burns (b) Thomas Hardy (c) D. H. Lawrence (d) Daniel Defoe
12. Which religious organisation owns the Sanitarium, makers of the breakfast cereal Weet Bix?
(a) Catholic Church (b) Anglican Church (c) Seventh-day Adventist Church (d) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
13. Who voiced Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movie series?
(a) Don Rickles (b) Tim Allen (c) Tom Hanks (d) John Ratzenberger
14. Who won the men's 1500m freestyle swimming final at the 2000 Olympics?
(a) Kieran Perkins (b) Chris Thompson (c) Larsen Jensen (d) Grant Hackett
15. In which U.S. state is the Wall Drug Store tourist attraction?
(a) South Dakota (b) Nebraska (c) Wyoming (d) North Dakota
16. New Zealanders are currently battling threats to which historical document? (Hint)
(a) Declaration of Independence of New Zealand (b) Official Place Names Register (c) Treaty of Waitangi (d) Recipe for Pavlova
17. How many countries border Brazil?
(a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 9
18. Who was the last of King Henry VIII's six wives?
(a) Catherine Howard (b) Jane Seymour (c) Anne of Cleves (d) Catherine Parr
19. What year did Soviet ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov defect from the USSR?
(a) 1972 (b) 1974 (c) 1976 (d) 1978
20. Dubbed the Robin Hood Tiktoker, lawyer and renter's advocate Jordan van den Lamb is better known as whom? (Hint)
(a) Purple Pingers (b) Zero Zingers (c) Silver Slingers (d) Rousing Ringers
1. (d) Businesses 2. (b) Richard Wagner 3. (c) Lift, weight, drag and thrust 4. (a) Howard Carter 5. (b) He began a hunger strike 6. (c) Aphrodite 7. (d) Laos 8. (b) 32 9. (c) 1953 10. (a) Vuvzelas 11. (b) Thomas Hardy 12. (c) Seventh Day Adventist Church 13. (b) Tim Allen 14. (d) Grant Hackett 15. (a) South Dakota 16. (c) Treaty of Waitangi 17. (c) 10 (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana) 18. (d) Catherine Parr 19. (b) 1974 20. (a) Purple Pingers
5 and under — need more coffee | 6 -10 — read IA more often | 11-15 — savvy IA reader | 16-20 — in line to take over editorial duties!
Compiled by IA columnist Belinda Jones.
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