This poem is an *IA Writing Competition (creative work category) entry.
What is labour about Labor?
What is Labour
About Labor?
“U” is missing
Too long now.
Where remains compassion
Peace and independence?
Tied to the apron strings of
Mother UK.
Tied to the bootstraps
Of thugs USA
Along with Japan
Rearming for peace.
How many more wars
Do we need?
We turn up uninvited
Spilling the blood of our cobbers
Filling the purses
Of greed.
What is Labour about Labor
When it shares Capital’s creed?
We can do much better
Restore and renew.
Find the answers and
Relocate “U”
In strUggle.
Dr Michael Davis majored in zoology and genetics at Sydney University before entering teaching. He has a Master of Asian Studies and a PhD from Griffith University.
* Full IA Writing Competition details HERE.
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