A new book proclaiming to be a feminist approach to democracy suffers from its misguided view of transgender women, writes Elizabeth Spiegel.
FEW READERS of Independent Australia would disagree with the proposition that both inadvertent misinformation and deliberate disinformation are real and growing threats to democratic nations. As citizens, we need to be able to rely on the media to provide us with accurate information about our country and the world.
In her most recent book, Truth Abandoned: How Can Democracy Survive? A Feminist Response, self-described “radical feminist” Betty McLellan identifies several threats: tribalism, the abuse of democratic principles, ingrained inequality, political extremism and the use of blatant lies and disinformation. So far, so reasonable.
McLellan identifies prostitution, surrogacy and pornography as irredeemably bad; women should not be allowed to participate in these industries, no matter how well-regulated and no matter what their motivations might be. I have difficulty accepting as “feminist” a philosophy that denies adult women the right to make their own choices, for good or ill. But apparently, only radical feminists truly qualify as feminists.
Where McLellan completely loses me, though, is in her obsession with transgender women, where she fails to show the same respect for the truth she demands from others. She would have her readers ignore any and all scientific evidence counter to the notion that gender is a clear and immutable binary. If a “biological woman” is defined as an “adult human female”, what are people whose chromosomal sex doesn’t match the reproductive organs they were born with? No answer is offered.
In McLellan’s world, transgender women are simply men pretending – with malicious intent – to be women, and “transgender activists” are not merely fighting for their right to exist, but rather working to erase the very existence of “real” women.
Are there men who falsely claim to be trans women? Almost certainly. But if we’re going to treat all trans women as lying men, why would it be unreasonable to treat all women claiming to have been raped as liars as well? After all, false rape claims do exist.
Similarly, it’s undoubtedly true that some trans women behave badly, acting in ways that are intended to shock or offend others. Every demographic has its share of horrible people. But that doesn’t justify treating all trans women as potential criminals.
McLellan sees those initiating “bathroom bills” and similar legislation as allies, despite the fact that such bills harm more cis women than trans women. There is a significant overlap between those promoting such bills and those limiting women’s access to healthcare via abortion bans. I cannot take seriously her stated goal of protecting “real” women.
In the end, if the health of democracy depends on the persecution of transgender women (and I don’t believe it does), then democracy deserves to die.
Truth Abandoned: How Can Democracy Survive? A Feminist Response is available from Spinifex Press for $32.95 RRP.
Elizabeth Spiegel is a freelance editor and retired public servant.
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