Sophie Mirabella is Ms Generosity herself — she just keeps on giving, says senior correspondent Barry Everingham.
I’ll wager it would have been wise to have avoided Sophie Mirabella after her unseemly – some would say common – behaviour had her unceremoniously thrown out of the House of Representatives on Tuesday night.
And it was a Liberal deputy Speaker who had the guts to do the deed.
Good old Peter Slipper.
Now, our Sophie doesn’t take too kindly to any form of criticism and will tell any protagonist to go f*** themselves as quick as look at them. Do I have to remind the dear readers again that this is what she said to me when I outed her for keeping company with the disgraced and disgraceful Noel Crichton-Browne?
I don’t think so.
Now, any Parliamentarian with even a modicum of self -worth and who, it seems, has allegedly been taking advantage of an aged secret lover to such an extent that the old boy’s children are using the Supreme Court to find out what was really going on, would keep his or her head down.
No in control MP would draw attention to themselves in the way our Sophie did on Tuesday night. (Mind you, dear readers, the lady is carrying a bit of weight these days and so it’s harder for her to slink around in the background without being seen. One dear reader pointed out to Sophie: “black doesn’t cover up fat; but sensible dieting does, dearie!” Goodness some people are bitchy – I could never bring myself to offer such advice. I thought that was dreadful!)
But Sophie – in the lack of manners, class, style and flair department – has as her guide and mentor the dreadful, out of control remnant of the DLP way of doing things, Tony Abbott.
Captain Catholic is back in form these days, spitting the dummy furiously — he can’t take a trick, he can’t win an argument and he’s back in the ring punching away at shadows.
He’s in contact with the ghosts of Bob Santamaria (who once, and I’m being serious dear readers, told me he had never voted for the conservatives), Archbishop Mannix and that ilk of old-fashioned political gutter fighters.
It’s a picture no artist could paint, looking at Malcolm Turnbull’s pained expressions during Question Time, surrounded by, in the main, Abbott acolytes who are smirking at Abbott’s performances — which are becoming so serious lately I wouldn’t be at all surprised if sooner or later the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition might need to seek some professional help.
Back to the antics of our Sophie.
She hardly wins any brownie points these days – and by the way, I hear the Indi Liberals are mumbling about her, more of that in a later post – but to be so stupid as to lose so much control and have herself kicked out on the eve of one of the most important votes this century brings her down to the level of her Leader, and that’s getting into sewer territory.
As an example, and as it was pointed out in the House on Wednesday, many of the redneck “protesters", which got out of control in the Speaker’s and public galleries of the House of Representatives were being entertained in the Strangers Dining Room at the House by Opposition members, many of whom had proposed the thugs to be seated in the galleries.
All Abbott supporters’ and not one with any sense of what Parliamentary democracy is all about; their Opposition MP’s take up their cudgels, and their Opposition MP’s should know better than to encourage them to disrupt the business of the Parliament — that’s better left to the likes of Alan Jones.