
Dangerous Abbott and his dead wood

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Be alert and alarmed — our projected prime minister is a disaster waiting to happen and his front bench is a fire hazard. Senior correspondent Barry Everingham comments.

REGRETTABLY, it now seems likely the Australian voting public installing Tony Abbott as the next prime minister of this great country, which of course will turn us into a rightwing dictatorship, taking instructions from multi-millionaire mining magnates.

But it’s not only mining magnates who will compose Abbott’s tune.

There’s the lunatic rightwing commentators from the Murdoch media who are incessant in their idiotic ravings.

Their boss sold his Australian citizenship down the drain for a U.S. passport; so much for his loyalty.

Now Tony Abbott recently said he is happy with the make-up of his front bench and there will be no changes to it if he becomes Prime Minister.

A surprising comment, since Abbott’s front bench has so much dead wood it has become a bushfire hazard.

The behavior of the would be ministers in this week of Parliament has been an absolute disgrace and Tony Abbott has let his team get away with murder. He even went so far as to encourage  many of them to follow his own lead in denigrating our countries security services —  even when he was reminded that in his time as Opposition Leader he has never availed himself of his right to seek a private briefing from our security chiefs.

His reply was to smirk and to send Senator George Brandis – his shadow Attorney General – to a briefing.

As though that wasn’t insulting enough to those who did brief Brandis, the Senator then broke every rule in the book by announcing the details of the brief.

All that was capped off by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Julie Bishop who, with eyes as cold as an iceberg, in one fell swoop almost destroyed our otherwise good relations with our nearest neighbor, Indonesia, by claiming that country’s foreign  minister had told her Jakarta would help if boats with asylum seekers were turned back.

Indonesia’s foreign minister, it has now been established, told Ms Bishop no such thing, which the man himself has now confirmed twice.

Talk about a fire danger — what other damage does she have in mind?

It is Abbott’s policy to turn back the boats, which is so inhumane – it has to be asked – which particular brand of Christianity does this bloke subscribe to?

Our top naval brass have already said turning back fragile fishing boats – which, in the main, are the craft asylum seekers are carried on – would be highly risky and dangerous, and could cause loss of life.

Is Abbott sowing the seeds of mutiny in our navy — one of the world’s best?

Tony Abbott is a loose cannon, whose policies are usually just sound bites issued to catch the 24 hours news cycle. Moreover, his leadership skills are non-existent.

The Australian voting public must think carefully before casting votes on election day 2013.

A man whose life skills were honed in a Roman Catholic seminary, where he was an abject failure, and then in the office of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, where he was influenced by David Flint, along with spells getting punched in the ring as an amateur pugilist, or writing editorials for Australia's most extreme rightwing (and least read) newspaper, is surely not what we are looking for in our nation’s leader.

And to cap it all off, Mr Abbott is also deeply under the infernal influence of Cardinal George Pell.

I repeat.

Be afraid and alarmed — Tony Abbott is bad news.

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