
Cory Bernardi's Coalition Wildersbeast

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Will all the Coalition politicians who support the racist ideology of Dutch fanatic Geert Wilders please raise their hands, asks senior correspondent Barry Everingham.

Senator Cory Bernardi and his close friend, Dutch Islamaphobe, Geert Wilders

WHAT A SHAME Tony Abbott won’t take leaf from the book of his spiritual leader, the Bishop of Rome and former Hitler Youth Member, and resign.

Australia under Abbott and his cohorts will be a very scary indeed, and I’m indebted to Nick Dyrenfurth for so succinctly describing Abbott’s policy free Liberal Party as misogynist nut jobs and Tea Party activists.

I may as well have two bob each way and quote him on the demagogic narcissists who treat the Labor Party as a personal plaything warning them their likes usually get their just deserts.

The Opposition Leader has, of late, has been so terribly vain and even more arrogant than usual.

He’s being selective about media appearances and I broke the habit of a lifetime this week and actually looked at him while he made an appearance on TV.

He sure has had a makeover — but it’s gone horribly wrong.

The ears are still the same, but the mouth has taken on a botox appearance and he doesn’t smile any more. I can just imagine the look when he gets honest and reveals details of Abbott type WorkChoices!

Or when he announces the sacking of thousands of Canberra public servants, or even when he comes clean and replaces Quentin Bryce with John Howard!

From news.com.au

And what does the future hold for Cory Bernardi, Tony and David Flint’s pin up boy? And what’s in store for the egregious Alan Jones? And will that comedian of comedians Andrew Bolt get a  highly paid Abbott government gig in the field of Aboriginal Affairs?

Questions, question, questions.

Bernardi, this week, was all over the Dutch racist ratbag Geert Wilders, who is here plying his hateful trade.

Wilders has called the Prophet Muhammad a warlord terrorist and paedophile and wants a ban placed on migration from Muslim countries to The Netherlands.

Why we need to be subjected this line of crap is beyond me, but I do wish those in the Liberal Party and the Nationals would put their hands up if they agree with Wilders.

Any bets on Sophie Mirabella and Peter Dutton being in that league? That pair wouldn’t stay in the house when Rudd apologized to the Stolen Generations and Dutton, it must never be forgotten, was a Queensland cop — you’d be kidding me if you said there’s not history there.

And what’s going on in this remarkable Israeli spy thriller?

I agree that Australian Jews have a choice – they are either Australians or Israelis – they can’t be both.

And when will the Government stop pussy footing around and really demand to know — who killed Ben Zygier?

For God’s sake, the guy couldn’t have possible hung himself in the hellhole in which he was held.

It worries me that a sophisticated country like Israel can behave like North Korea.

And even more worrying is that our Government remains tight lipped.






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