Take our 20-question quiz and test your general knowledge. (Answers below.)
1. What is Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2024? (Hint)
a) Rawdogging b) Brainrot c) Social battery d) Enshittification
2. What is a béguinage?
a) A type of political system b) A French delicacy c) A 13th-Century architectural complex d) A Middle Ages religious procession
3. Which movie won the 2011 Best Picture Academy Award?
a) The Hurt Locker b) Slumdog Millionaire c) No Country for Old Men d) The King’s Speech
4. Jane Addams was famous in the 19th and 20th centuries for her social work, philanthropy, settlement activism, women’s suffrage and for establishing Hull House in which U.S. city?
a) Chicago b) San Francisco c) Philadelphia d) New York
5. True or False: Mission Beach is south of Cairns.
a) True b) False
6. Which horse won the 2023 Melbourne Cup?
a) Gold Trip b) Without A Fight c) Sheraz d) Verry Elleegant
7. With which country are the Magdalene Laundries associated?
a) Scotland b) France c) England d) Ireland
8. In which period did World War II occur?
a) 1939-1945 b) 1914-1918 c) 1937-1946 d) 1955-1975
9. Which Australian breakdancer went viral during the 2024 Paris Olympics? (Hint)
a) WaterGun b) LightSaber c) RayGun d) PaperClip
10. Who wrote the novel Ulysses?
a) Alan Joyce b) James Joyce c) Barnaby Joyce d) Brenda Joyce
11. Which 2024 U.S. presidential candidate used John Farnham’s‘You’re the Voice’ in their political advertising? (Hint)
a) Robert F Kennedy Jr b) Donald Trump c) Kamala Harris d) Cornel West
12. In which country did the game of chess originate?
a) Spain b) India c) China d) Greece
13. True or False: Sydney is north of Perth.
a) True b) False
14. Who is the current Federal Minister for Health?
a) Chris Bowen b) Clare O’Neil c) Bill Shorten d) Mark Butler
15. To what threat level was Australia's National Terrorism Threat Level raised on 5 August 2024? (Hint)
a) Possible b) Pending c) Probable d) Peaceful
16. What is the capital of Iceland?
a) Oslo b) Copenhagen c) Reykjavik d) Helsinki
17. Who is the current CEO of Qantas? (Hint)
a) Vanessa Hudson b) Alan Joyce c) Jayne Hrdlicka d) Solomon Lew
18. On what date is International Men's Day celebrated annually? (Hint)
a) 17 October b) 3 February c) 8 March d) 19 November
19. How many bones are in an adult human body?
a) 206 b) 216 c) 226 d) 236
20. Where was COP29 held? (Hint)
a) Dubai, United Arab Emirates b) Baku, Azerbaijan c) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt d) Belém, Brazil
1. d) Enshittification 2. d) A 13th Century architectural complex 3. d) The King's Speech 4. a) Chicago 5. a) True 6. b) Without A Fight 7. d) Ireland 8. a) 1939-1945 9. c) Raygun 10. b) James Joyce 11. c) Kamala Harris 12. b) India 13. b) False 14. d) Mark Butler 15. c) Probable 16. c) Reykjavik 17. a) Vanessa Hudson 18. d) 19 November 19. a) 206 20. b) Baku, Azerbaijan
SCORE: 5 and under — need more coffee | 6 -10 — read IA more often | 11-15 — savvy IA reader | 16-20 — in line to take over editorial duties!
Compiled by IA columnist Belinda Jones.

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