The attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump's life failed, but what would be the repercussions had the assassin's plot been successful? Vince Hooper examines the possible outcomes.
AH, AMERICA — land of the free, home of the brave and now, home of the near-miss assassination of a former President.
The recent brush with Donald Trump's would-be assassin is a golden opportunity to reflect on the precariousness of our political stability and the delicate threads holding our democracy together. Because honestly, what could be more quintessentially American than teetering on the edge of chaos?
A nation in flux
Picture it: the sliding doors of political destiny swing wide open and instead of a dignified exit, we tumble headfirst into pandemonium. If the attempt on Trump’s life had succeeded, the nation would have plunged into a maelstrom of confusion and unrest. Leadership in turmoil, the media in a feeding frenzy — who needs stable governance when you can have high drama?
Erosion of democratic norms
Let’s talk about democratic principles and the rule of law. An assassination would be a fantastic way to undermine these quaint notions. Why bother with elections and peaceful transfers of power when a well-aimed bullet can settle political scores? Trust in institutions? That’s so last century. We'd be living proof that violence is just as viable a political tool as a campaign speech.
Historical echoes
History is full of these delightful sliding-door moments. Take the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that kicked off World War I, or the tragic ends of Lincoln and Kennedy which threw the nation into turmoil. If we haven’t learned from history, repeating it makes for great news coverage. Imagine the hashtags and viral tweets!
Media and public response
In the event of such a tragedy, the media would leap into action, each outlet vying to be the most sensational. Responsible journalism? Pfft. It’s all about clicks, baby! And the public? Oh, we’d handle it with the grace of a stampeding herd — righteous indignation, protests, counter-protests and social media meltdowns. Who needs unity when you can have a good, old-fashioned national brawl?
Security and preparedness
This close call with Trump should have us thinking about how to up our security game. Protecting political figures from deranged individuals seems like a no-brainer. Maybe we’ll even manage to stop treating our national leaders like reality TV stars in need of ratings boosts.
Addressing root causes
Beyond the immediate panic, perhaps we should address the root causes of political violence. Combating extremist ideologies, promoting civic education and fostering a culture of tolerance would be a start. But let’s not get too hopeful — real change takes time and who has the patience for that when there’s chaos to enjoy?
As we ponder the near assassination of Donald Trump, let’s take a moment to appreciate just how fragile our democracy really is. The sliding doors of destiny show us how easily we could veer off course into disaster.
Let’s use this moment to sarcastically renew our commitment to unity, respect for democratic norms and the rejection of violence. Because nothing says “we’ve got this” like acknowledging we’re one step away from the brink.
Cheers to the future — may it be marginally less catastrophic than we fear.
Vince Hooper is a proud Australian/British citizen who is professor of finance and discipline head at SP Jain School of Global Management with campuses in London, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore and Sydney.
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