Mark Aldridge talks about his struggle for democracy after last years "dodgy" South Australian state election and a new grouping of Independents called "the Alliance".
I have fought for reform and tried to expose political corruption for many years, risking everything I own to wake up the people to the fact "Democracy is the corner stone of our society"
My last case before the court of disputed returns was the closest I have come to sacking the lot, with a win/lose situation, I proved the election to be invalid, by way of many issues, the chief justice however said that
"Under the electoral acts, a general election cannot be deemed invalid".
Regardless of the conduct? What sort of democracy is that?
Unbelievably, he used the words,
“The Constitution does not apply”
in an earlier case before the same court sitting as the court of disputed returns.
The mass media remained largely silent about this case through its whole four-month process — even, incredibly, when there was a truck blockade of the court building. The one bright spot was Channel 7’s Today Tonight current affairs programme, who covered the issue prior to the filing of the application. It should also be mentioned that leading Independent news website, Crikey, also published a story on the "dodgy election" and my battle to overturn the result before the case hit the courts.
Final info and the affidavits of the electoral commission are on my website: In summary, in South Australia, with 900,000 voters,16,500 postal ballots went missing, 6,500 applications were found wanting, over 77,000 long term voters names went missing off the electoral roll. Bear in mind, these alarming figures were not even the crux of the case! The Labor Party impersonated supporters from Family First in handing out how-to-vote cards and even registered the name of the opposition leader as a reply paid address — so people sending info to the Liberal Party, had their info turn up in the Labor office. After the court action, this has now all been declared legal. Frankly, it makes me feel sick to the core.
The Electoral Act is a disgrace, allowing the two majors to play underhanded tricks, knowing all too well that the fraud already in the “two party system” is not enough to ensure the outcome. Frankly, they are shit scared of all of us, hence if we could all find a way to fly a common flag, it would really have them panicking enough for the whole country to see.
Strangely, all the evidence I received after submitting the original court documents became inadmissible, unless we went to trial, so all the missing votes (over 100,000) could not be used as evidence. This put the crown solicitors on the back foot, so they then argued that the common law of elections was no longer valid and the case was summarily closed three days before it was able to go to trial. Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. Three days later, the crown solicitor emailed me and the chief justice to say that, in fact, that I was right! And that the common law of elections did still apply. By then, the horse had bolted. (Note: I was the first in Australia to use our common law rights in the absence of our constitutional ones.)
Since then – for the past 12 months – I have been receiving emails and calls from the courts offering me money for the case to be deleted from the Supreme Court files, hoping to get this matter removed from the public record — doesn’t that open up the eyes. The wife wants me to take it — rather die than take their dirty money.
My Idea of The Alliance was to help us to at least look united, leading to improved unity. Party politics will not help us, only honest democracy, and that is what the alliance is all about — a common flag to demand “Honest Democracy”. Fly it if you wish.
“In the pursuit of Unity”
The Alliance Australia is a unique idea to pursue unity with in the fight for our countries future!
- Protect and uphold all constitutional and common law rights of all Australian people.
- Only ever swear allegiance to the people of Australia (excluding those elected in regards to constitutional commandments)
- Acknowledge that Justice, Democracy and Equality before the law are not negotiable
- Regardless of political affiliation, every member must promise to stand accountable for his or her actions.
- Demand electoral reform to abolish statutes, regulations, structures and activities that give benefit or advantages to major parties above other parties and individuals and unlawfully prevent elected representatives voting by conscience or on behalf of their electorate
- All members must be a sovereign, free man or woman holding allegiance to Australia, the Commonwealth Constitution and the rule of law.
- Must defend and fight to retain ownership of all land and community assets and infrastructure to Australian people only.
- Fight for fair and equitable taxation, to be shared amongst all people and businesses that operate in Australia, regardless of country of origin.
- To pursue justice for all, with equity & transparency as a primary goal
Once any Australian, Political Party or Independent candidate accepts the Pledge and the Alliance Ideal, from here all that is required, is to share the Logo, lets see where we can put it, no rules other than the obvious respect of others property, in the corner of our websites, posters and promotional material.
Send me photos of the Logo everywhere and I will share on the up and coming website, the ideal is to offer the public a “Third Choice” CHANGE, to expose and support the truth, and help educate those still sleeping.
So far there are semi’s ready to roll, over 500 truck stickers out and about, some T’shirts, with new designs to come, even Tattoos lol, if answering questions from the media, it is about honest and fair democracy, I will do my best to sell the “Alliance” Australia wide, with out compromising members individual ideals. (Parties are welcome to use the logo on their own T/shirts and posters.
The new design T’shirts will have logo and mottos on the back, leaving room for individual parties and Independents to put their details above on the back and on the front.
Other countries have taken to the idea, although I am unsure as to its true meaning to them, seems freedom from translation, so enjoy seeing it on overseas trips, something I will work further on in the coming months.
Labor and Liberal, have money, lots of it, and media on side, the Greens are seen as the protest vote, we Must be seen as the true “Third Choice for Change”, try and imagine what the people and the media will think of this exercise, let alone putting fear into the major parties and those who believe they own our future?
We have AFP, Democrats, Fishers and Lifestyle, APP, the Sex Party, Building Australia, Carers, CDP, CEC, CLP, FFP, DLP, One Nation, Independent Alliance, NCPP, Secular party, Senators online, Socialist Alliance, SEP, Climate skeptics, FREE & a host of Independents and many more patriotic groups, all fighting for a couple of seats, United we can fight for control of Parliament and our countries future.
If most of us can agree on at least the pledge, and to idea of using the Logo, then it is a step in the right direction, maybe unity will even improve from here, betters start somewhere than continuing down the same path, this is what I have to offer, please help spread the word, “here is to hope of unity”.
Contact: Mark M Aldridge
08 82847482 / 0403379500
PO Box 1073, Virginia, SA 5120