Opposition Leader Peter Dutton may be tempted to emulate Donald Trump's deportation plan despite the massive hurdles involved. Dr Abul Rizvi writes.
OPPOSITION LEADER Peter Dutton has walked back his proposal to reduce net migration to 160,000; opposed Labor’s student capping legislation which he actually needs to implement his own student capping policy; and is likely to also walk back his promise to cut the permanent migration program to 140,000 for legal, political and business reasons.
Now, Dutton will be on the lookout for other anti-immigration promises he can make ahead of the Election. The most obvious would be to copy U.S. President Donald Trump on mass deportation.
The Coalition’s shadow on immigration, Dan Tehan, has regularly been complaining to the Murdoch press that the Labor Government isn’t deporting enough failed asylum seekers. Dutton has to date largely stayed away from this knowing others would quickly point to his abysmal record on this issue.
But will the temptation of the attention that Trump’s mass deportation plan is getting, particularly in the right-wing media, be too much for Dutton to resist? He will be watching Trump’s mass deportation plan like a hawk, eager to copy where he can with the usual suspects in the Murdoch press and the Institute of Public Affairs urging him on.
So how is Trump’s plan to deport over 11 million undocumented migrants going apart from the media attention?
There are six main obstacles to Trump’s mass deportation plan:
- a multitude of legal obstacles that Trump will be relying on the U.S. Supreme Court to overcome;
- a massive increase in manpower (yes, in Trump world they are most likely to be men) to locate, detain and deport undocumented migrants;
- resistance from community and non-government organisations, the church, state and local governments and civil servants dedicated to upholding proper legal processes;
- a massive increase in detention capacity;
- cooperation from receiving governments; and
- budget and economic costs.
Legal obstacles
The key legal obstacles will include:
- Limiting birthright citizenship to enable children born to undocumented migrants and some temporary migrants to be deported as whole family units wherever possible. To date, 24 U.S. states, two U.S. cities and several civil rights organisations have issued legal challenges to Trump’s Executive Order on birthright citizenship. One judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking implementation for 14 days. Others may follow suit until this gets to the Supreme Court which may give Trump what he wants.
- Undoing most if not all asylum protections. This includes limiting humanitarian parole; designations of Temporary Protected Status and employment authorisation. These changes are designed to force asylum seekers to depart voluntarily. If these changes are not sufficient or are diluted by the courts (noting the Immigration and Nationality Act guarantee of access to asylum), Trump may decide to either amend the Act to abolish access to asylum or withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention altogether.
- Requirement for a warrant to raid homes and businesses. In some of the most recent immigration raids, it appears immigration enforcement officials did not have a warrant. The process of securing warrants would significantly slow the location and arrest of undocumented migrants. Trump will want some blanket provision that enables immigration raids without a warrant. That may require Supreme Court approval as lower courts are unlikely to approve such a radical provision.
- Case by case appeals to the courts. Most liberal democracies allow all people within a country to appeal government actions to the courts (such as for false identification or incorrect application of immigration law). That, too, will frustrate Trump but it is hard to see even the current U.S. Supreme Court denying individuals their day in court.
Massive increase in manpower
In the first few days, existing trained staff in the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (I.C.E.) service have been deployed to increase immigration raids on homes and businesses. Despite the fact that trained staff have been used, mistakes have been made.
In just one raid on a small business, a former U.S. military officer and U.S. citizen was mistakenly arrested as well as some people from Puerto Rico (which is a territory of the U.S.). In another raid, a Native American of Navajo lineage was arrested for questioning for nine hours.
The number of I.C.E. staff will not be nearly enough to undertake the size of mass deportation Trump says he wants to deliver. While he says he will try to get state and local police to help, they have existing jobs that can’t simply be abandoned.
Another option is to encourage state governments to introduce bounty hunter programs such as the one being developed in the state of Mississippi. Not all states will introduce such programs arguing that paying ordinary citizens to hunt for undocumented migrants is full of legal and other risks. Just how risky bounty hunter programs are in a nation full of guns is to be seen. Accidental or deliberate use of guns would seem inevitable as people try to secure more bounty payments.
As Trump’s border czar has made clear, a more likely approach is to use the National Guard as well as other arms of the military. Even far-right Republican Rand Paul has objected to this idea but that will not bother Trump. This issue may also have to eventually be resolved by the Supreme Court.
Assuming the Supreme Court allows the use of the military for domestic law enforcement, Trump would need tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of military personnel to undertake immigration raids; guard hundreds of thousands of arrested migrants; and chaperone deportees on return flights, particularly commercial flights.
These people will need to be trained, particularly those undertaking immigration raids, to minimise the kinds of mistakes we are already seeing from trained I.C.E. officers.
There will also need to be a huge expansion in legally trained staff to double check identity and the legal rights of arrested migrants and to then to defend hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of appeals to the courts. These legally trained staff may also need to deal with huge numbers of compensation cases associated with false arrests, often based on nothing more than a person’s appearance.
The U.S. legal system will be overwhelmed with immigration cases, far more than it is already.
Opposition from community organisations, states and local governments
Trump knows he faces massive opposition to his deportation plan from community organisations, churches, state and local governments, and just ordinary citizens. Trump may have caught these groups unready in the first few days of his administration. But they will develop their resistance strategies to become more effective in the next few weeks.
While Trump has made a range of threats against these groups, it will take time for him to make good on these threats. Implementation of these threats (against sanctuary cities, churches, protestors and so on) will themselves be subject to legal challenge which will take time to resolve. That will further frustrate Trump and his border czar as it will further delay deportations.
Detention capacity
Once people have been arrested, they must be detained while identity checks are undertaken, legal challenges are resolved and arrangements for deportation finalised with receiving nations.
Immigration detention capacity in the U.S. is near full capacity. Trump and his border czar will argue more and more people can be crammed into existing facilities. But there are physical and legal limits to that.
They will also argue they can minimise expansion of detention capacity by quickly putting arrested migrants onto military aircraft out of the U.S. as they did recently to Guatemala and other Central American nations. But that approach will quickly run into court injunctions (which Trump’s border czar may just ignore but will eventually have to explain such behaviour to the Supreme Court) as well as dragged out cooperation from receiving nations.
The need for a much larger detention capacity seems inevitable (U.S. prison operators are expecting a deluge of taxpayer money based on zooming share prices). Building new bricks and mortar detention centres would take years. Trump’s border czar knows he will need to use stop gap measures such as barbed/razor wire compounds and tents, most likely in the desert, well away from population centres but near military airports. He may need many of these of huge size, accommodating tens of thousands of people. These will need massive numbers of guards, administrative, catering and other staff.
Trump’s border czar is sensitive to these being called “concentration camps”, but that is exactly what they will look like with detainees being treated accordingly.
Cooperation from receiving governments
Trump knows he will need cooperation from receiving governments to accept large numbers of deportees arriving on military aircraft. Commercial flights could not cope with the volume and would charge a fortune.
Trump is already making threats that if receiving governments do not cooperate, he will impose harsh tariffs and other penalties on them. Most receiving governments will offer to cooperate as Colombia recently did. India appears to have already said it will cooperate.
But unlike what happened with Guatemala, most governments will demand time to check that the people being deported to them are indeed their citizens. That will take time, further frustrating Trump.
Some governments (such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea) will object to U.S. military aircraft landing on their soil and may not cooperate anyway. China is a major source of undocumented migrants to the U.S.
Budget and economic cost
Like all migrants, undocumented migrants impact both the demand and supply side of the economy. These impacts may be lesser than for highly skilled migrants. Undocumented migrants also put downwards pressure on wages of low skilled workers generally although many of the jobs undocumented migrants do on farms, construction sites and so on are not very attractive to U.S. citizens.
Immigration raids on American businesses will be disruptive attracting the displeasure of many Trump business supporters. Farms, factories, construction sites, hotels and hospitals losing large numbers of their staff because they are undocumented will negatively impact the U.S. economy.
On the fiscal side, there is much disagreement.
The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, produced a 2013 report that estimated that immigrants living in the U.S. illegally ‘impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year’.
One of the highest negative estimates comes from a 2017 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (F.A.I.R.), a group that advocates for reducing legal and illegal immigration. Its report concluded that ‘in 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion’.
The Cato Institute, a libertarian public policy think tank, called the F.A.I.R. report ‘fatally flawed’ and published a detailed critique of F.A.I.R.’s work:
‘FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.’
Steven Camarota of the Centre for Immigration Studies, a group that uses data to argue for low levels of immigration, said he conducted his most comprehensive analysis of the cost of immigrants in the U.S. illegally in 2017. Camarota said a back-of-the-envelope estimate based on his lifetime cost analysis would fall somewhere between about $24 billion and $48 billion annually, depending on the methodology used.
The Perryman Group in 2016 estimated that the net direct economic benefit of undocumented immigrants was $326.1 billion and $144.7 billion in output every year. Adding multiplier effects, the Perryman Group found that the net economic effects were $663.4 billion and $290.3 billion in output. Their estimates included the costs of the undocumented population to society at large, such as education, health care and social services, and also included the fiscal revenues from this population.
This debate is unlikely to be resolved quickly but it is clear there will be a major cost to the U.S. budget of running a mass deportation program. Trump’s border czar has said the initial one-year cost of Trump’s mass deportation program will be $US86 billion (AU$137.8 billion). That is around ten times the current I.C.E. budget. It is highly likely much more will be needed in future years.
If Trump is unsuccessful in deporting many more than the record deportation numbers under the Bush and early Obama Administrations (around 400,000 per annum), his mass deportation program will be seen as a very costly failure.
If he is successful in getting deportation numbers significantly above these levels, there will be enormous pressure on Trump to replace the lost workers with an increase in visas mainly for low-skilled temporary visa programs. Those visa programs have their own problems including massive worker exploitation, a high death and injury rate, and high rates of visa overstay.
Trump may find a more nuanced and carefully designed approach that includes targeted pathways to permanent residence would have been faster, less disruptive and not nearly as costly to U.S. taxpayers. But Trump doesn’t do nuanced policy.
Will Dutton learn from that? Or will he just see the short-term political advantage of copying Trump’s electoral success?
Dr Abul Rizvi is an Independent Australia columnist and a former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration. You can follow Abul on Twitter @RizviAbul.

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