Anning knows he has no hope at the next election, but he could be eyeing a new leadership role, writes investigations editor Ross Jones.
SENATOR FRASER ANNING comes from a long line of colonial nasties.
Anning’s great-grandfather, Charles, arrived from the motherland sometime in the mid-1850s and was your classic rapacious squatter.
'Charles and his sons would ride out with firearms, attack Aboriginal campsites and capture young boys who had survived in order to use them as labour on their cattle and sheep stations.'
Fraser’s granddad, Frank, kept up the good work and expanded the family landholdings by
'... forcibly [taking] control of the land from the local people.'
He was so loved by the local populace that he had to
'... surround his hut with wire mesh to prevent spear attacks.'
'W H (Harry) Anning who took up the Wetherby property and whose wife gave birth to Fraser Anning in October 1949.'
So the Annings have a long track record in exploitative opportunism and Fraser is nothing if not a chip off the old block.
Fraser lucked a One Nation Senate seat after Malcolm Roberts was found to be British. Anning immediately had a giant falling out with Pauline (Hanson) and James (Ashby), spat the dummy and flounced out of One Nation.
IA met with Anning not long afterwards. Fraser voiced his intense dislike for Pauline, with whom he and his wife, Fiona, had been friends for years, and hatred for James Ashby, who was threatening him with defamation over some ridiculous right-wing spat.
Senators Cory Bernardi and David Leyonhjelm tried to woo Anning to their disparate causes – one, Christianity, the other, hedonism – but it was the head buffoon himself, Member for Kennedy Bob Katter, who won Fraser over by complimenting his ‘Final Solution’ speech.
Despite this, Anning was too much even for Katter and Bob threw him out of his Party for being too racist.
And this is where Anning’s opportunistic gene pool kicked in.
It's unclear when or how Anning started his relationship with the new breed of Australian Nazis. One Nation has always had Nazi sympathies, but Fraser is going further than Pauline ever did. Quite a bit further.
Fraser knows he is no hope at the next election. He doesn’t care, he has seen his next big chance and he is going for it — Reichsleiter of the Australian neo-Nazis. A sort of Antipodean Oswald Mosley, but different.
No black shirts, no Hitler to impersonate.
The New Daily reports:
Anning is more a Putin admirer and, as Vladimir does not dress up, it is unlikely Fraser and his new henchmen will start doing so, at least in the short term Mr Anning’s Facebook page was deactivated or hidden this week as the media turned its attention to him, but The New Daily can reveal screenshots from his social media past.
They include a conspiratorial post that refers to Mr Obama as a Muslim and another quoting Mr Putin, which suggests that the former U.S. President could learn from the Russian leader’s approach to “minorities” and Sharia law.
Right now, Fraser can offer the neo-Nazis a friend in the Australian Senate — a position previously beyond the wildest dreams of nobodies like Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson. Suddenly, Anning – with the help of the media – is turning these clowns into sort of somebodies.
In what may be a perverse symbiosis, the nobodies will likely use Anning’s name and title as a recruiting tool to draw hard right fanatics to join their lot, instead of outfits like Rise Up Australia, True Blue Crew or United Patriots Front. The nobodies get more widely known and become a bigger organisation, but more importantly, Fraser will get to lead a large group of Nazis.
Nazis who pay to belong.
If Fraser plays his cards right, he will wrangle his way into a position where he is at the head of a fee-paying Nazi pyramid, with maybe a few thousand members so that, when inevitably he loses Senate power, he picks up the power derived from Nazi fees and henchmen.
His own little fee-paying bloc in front of which he can ponce about.
Anning will need a couple of trusted bodyguards, of course –it can get pretty violent out there in Naziland – but providing he gets a food taster, he should live long enough to do his family proud.
Investigations editor Ross Jones is a licensed private enquiry agent and the author of 'Ashbygate: The Plot to Destroy Australia's Speaker'. You can follow Ross on Twitter @RPZJones.
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