It's the end of the year and time to look back at some of the iconic photos featured in EYE FOR AUSTRALIA in 2024.
December's gift (shown above) is a 1970s Santa dangling 20 storeys above Sydney Harbour.
IA series Eye for Australia looks at the nation through the lens of award-winning photojournalist Bill McAuley.
We hope you enjoy our pictorial wrap-up for the year that was.
Eye for Australia: 2024
Bob Hawke, the "Silver Bodgie" — even kids thought he was cool (Circa 1988)
Howzat! Braithwaite bowled out (1976)
Major theatrics in Melbourne! (1988)
Police officers clowning around? (Circa 2000)
Kevin Bartlett — the toughest of Tigers (1991)
Paul McCartney — Rocker, roller, really nice bloke (1993)
The "Man from Snowy River" makes a comeback (1988)
Surrounded by giants (Circa 2010)
Nazi thugs putting the boot in (1971)
Russian defectors' dance of love (1975)
Gorilla thriller! (Circa 2000)
Bill McAuley's 40-plus-year news career began in 1969 as a cadet photographer at 'The Age' in Melbourne.
Bill has several published collections, including 'Portraits of the Soul: A lifetime of images with Bill McAuley'. To see more from Bill, click HERE.

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