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I thought the PM no longer wanted to advertise Q&A. What an extraordinary development
— Katharine Murphy (@murpharoo) July 10, 2015
Tell Tony Abbott: Hands off our ABC and sign the petition today #auspol
— ContessaVermeera (@Vermeera) July 12, 2015
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What a slug. Tim Wilson gouging the tax payer for everything he can in a job he wanted abolished before he got it:
— Kate Emerson (@kateemerson88) July 5, 2015
Tim Wilson clocked up over $77,000 worth of expenses in 12 months ON TOP of his $332K salary + $40K allowance #AusPol
— Kiera (@KieraGorden) July 5, 2015
Join the leftie lynch mob! Subscribe to IA for just $5.
freedom commissioner #timwilson free to waste your taxes @independentaus @Jarrapin @otiose94 @forthleft #cartoon
— John Graham (@JohnGrahamart) July 5, 2015
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