We can now proudly announce the winners of our recent 'HAVE A HOLIDAY ON US' subscribers only competition, with the first prize being three nights at luxurious three-storey Villa Garfield in Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast.
There were 85 entries in total and it was incredibly difficult to decide upon which was the most original and imaginative entry.
To give you an indication of just how hard it was for us, here are some of the great entries that just missed out.
'Great alternative, objective, on the people's side, amusing, credible professional staff, detailed analysis, responsible journalism, offers food for thought, with gumption to oppose main stream media, political discussion that bridges the gaps in the horrible world of right wing analysis, enjoyable reading and a relief from main stream media.'
~ Lalitha Chelliah
'Subscribing to keep fire burning under the cauldron of independent thinking in Australia, to stir the mindset of fellow commentators, shake the author of articles, and rock the establishment pulpit. As much as I can. To plough in fields untouched by the establishment press. To be a part of that.'
~ Duncan Beggs
'I seek informed journalism versus click-bait and bias. IA digs deep into a story, making me more informed. I get facts, background and informed opinion. Together this makes me think which is a great thing, albeit novel these days. Keep up the good work.'
~ Ken Robinson
'Thank goodness for IA, the only respected media outlet unafraid to report on what is happening in the real world and to tell it as it is. Uncompromised by big business, political affiliations/pressure and fearless, IA is refreshing and trusted reading and information source. Long may it continue and thrive.'
~ Mark Bousen
'I like IA for its forensic analysis of Australian politics and the enlightened and intelligent letter writers who subscribe to this paper.'
~ Michael Lethbridge
Great, weren't they? In the end, though, we had to narrow it down to three contestants.
Luxurious three-storey Villa Garfield looks out over the Pacific Ocean (Image via villagarfield.com.au)
Third prize went to Kerry Bergin, whose entry had us nodding in agreement:
'I subscribe to Independent Australia because, unlike other news media, it actually is independent. Articles are current, challenge mainstream opinion and encourage honest discussion and opinion. The format makes for easy-reading. But, what I really like is nodding in agreement as I read … that is a treat.'
Second prize was awarded to Jeni Martin, whose entry stood out for its truth and clarity:
I subscribe to IA because I like to read the truth in a format I can understand easily. I'm not inundated with stories about wanna-be celebrities or sports stars. Whenever an issue hits the news I turn here for truth and clarity. Well worth the cup of coffee a week.
The second and third prize winners receive IA merchandise of their choice up to the value of $100.
Villa Garfield is a unique holiday home in Surfers Paradise (Image via villagarfield.com.au)
Climbing the mountain to become the winner of the holiday on the Gold Coast, worth $1,200 and is.... Allan Marsland, who wrote:
'Why do I love IA? As George Mallory, who died on the North Face of Everest in 1924, said when asked why he wanted to climb Everest "because it is there". And if I did not subscribe it might not be there - which would be a damn shame.'
Congratulations Allan!
We will be publishing all the entries that satisfied the competitions terms and conditions soon in the members only area of Independent Australia.
Click HERE to find out more about beautiful Villa Garfield.
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