Profile On

GJ Burchall

  • GJ Burchall is a white male heterosexual journalist, scriptwriter and educator who was born and bred in Melbourne.

    He despairs that Australia will not “grow up” and leave the shackles of colonialism behind. That the “nation” will not even change its pathetic Brit-dominant flag for a fresh standard depresses him (even Canada adopted a new flag – great design – in 1965 and its economy did not collapse; great fury did not fall upon it; mountie did not mount moose – and it remains in the Commonwealth – for what that is worth). 

    GJ Burchall is now happily based predominantly in Timor-Leste, an independent democratic republic – three states that truly elude Australia.

    He’s not angry (well, a bit) — mainly terribly, terribly sad and disappointed.

Articles written by GJ Burchall (3)

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