
Brace yourself for an orgy of cash for cronies before we go into caretaker mode

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Given Turnbull has form on bankrolling Liberal cronies on the eve of an election, Ross Jones predicts collapsing support for the Coalition will bring on rush of cash for cronies before the writs are issued.

WE SHOULD brace ourselves for an orgy of corruption the likes of which have never been seen.

Maybe Rome.

The LNP is on the way out and they know it. Morrison’s shambles budget has no chance of arresting the tide of resentment building against a demonstrably inept government. It is more likely to give it a little tsunami nudge.

The Ponce of Wentworth reckons he’s going to the GG by 11 May to double dissolve for a 2 July general election. That’s not far away.

But a lot of documents can be signed in the meantime.

It must piss the IPA off something shocking to contemplate the untimely early demise of its pet project — to turn Australia into a massive experiment in extreme ideological economics. No experimental controls of course, just double blinds to keep us in the dark.

Speaking of dark, the Dark Right went to a lot of trouble and cash to have its puppets elected  — the Ashbygate and Jacksonville conspiracies, the relentless dog-whistling personal attacks on Gillard, the creation of illusion, all these required long-term strategic thought and the coordination of many tentacles.

The tiny space that is the IPA emits a miasma of PR fog; a pea-souper of philosophical evil that seeps through the nation.

From a tradies’ reading the Daily Tele in Macca’s to Fairfax journos flattered by attention, the fog takes them.

Happily, some people don’t seem to be affected by the malodorous trance. Whether by nature or nurture, who knows?

But thank goodness for them, because they are about to terminate the mad experiment on 2 July. The LNP will be evicted.

Abbott's speech at the IPA, promising to achieve much of the wish list of 75 ideas.

But between now and the writs being issued, the government is still the government with all the power a government has.

What horrors lurk there? Arthur Sinodinos, Stuart Roberts and Mal Brough et al reveal just the tip of a very nasty iceberg that goes all the way to the bottom.

You just know some will feel a bit of an imperative to settle things before E-Day, make sure the mates are right. These people have some big mates, and quite a few of these big mates have put big money into this fiasco. Not happy, Jan.

It will be a while before we find out about any of these placatory deals, but in a few years we might.

But, you’d think, it’s only until 11 May, right? Then its caretaker mode? No new commitments?

Technically yes, but not actually.

It’s pretty easy really. All you have to do is claim the decision to hand money to mates was taken before the writs.

Take our current PM for example (please!).

Back in July 2011, just before Howard lost to that rascal Rudd, then environment minister Malcolm Turnbull showed how it is done by wasting $10 million on a bat crazy idea to make rain without clouds.

As the ABC reported:

But in the second week of the campaign, Mr Turnbull found the time to announce that the Government, already in caretaker mode, would bankroll to the tune of $10 million the investigation of an untried Russian technology that aims to trigger rainfall from the atmosphere, even where there are no clouds.

It is a decision that raised the eyebrows of rain experts around the country.

Mr Turnbull’s office says there was no breach of caretaker protocol because the project was actually approved before the election was announced.

See? Easy.

The money, by the way, went to Rupert Murdoch’s nephew, Matt Handbury. And no, it didn’t rain.

We are entering rorting season. You can smell the IPA mustard gas.

You can follow Sydney Bureau Chief Ross Jones on Twitter @RPZJones.

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