Noely Neate pens an open letter to any media interested in the biggest taxpayer-funded scam of all.
Dear A Current Affair, tabloids and other interested media,
Have I got a front-page scoop for you!
Forget dole bludgers, this is welfare bludging on steroids. I'll give you the teaser. Then, how about you go and do the rest of the work?
I've heard there is this bloke, wealthy in his own right, who has been part of a taxpayer-funded rort since 2005. He got the gig fraudulently but has received taxpayer funds all this time. In fact, he is still being paid by the taxpayer.
Not only did he falsely sign a declaration, he did it more than once! When asked about whether he was eligible to apply for the job he laughed it off. Then, when he was finally forced to fess up, he kept his high paying gig.
Somehow, he also managed to avoid suspension while the matter was investigated.
But wait, there is more ...
It had to go to the High Court andthe taxpayer paid for his defence!
No consequences
Then, when the High Court – unanimously – declared this bloke should never have been eligible to benefit from this scheme, he still managed to escape consequences:
- He was not made to pay back the taxpayer squillions earned fraudulently;
- He was not made to perform community service; and
- He did not receive gaol, and
- He did not receive a suspended sentence.
Nope, this guy was not even charged with fraud and so gets to reapply for his exorbitantly paid taxpayer-funded position.
That's right, the taxpayer is funding his entry back onto that gravy train.
Surely this is the scoop of the century. I mean, this has to be the largest welfare scam in history — imagine the front pages.
If that is not enough to whet your appetite, I have reason to believe the Federal Government helped cover this up. Remember when we had that close call with declaring war on New Zealand?
In fact, the government could be covering up other massive welfare cheats too.
Some voters have called for an audit of everyone in this particular taxpayer-funded scheme but the government has so far refused to heed this advice.
There could be more cover-ups
Which begs the question, What is the Federal Government hiding?
Look, I don't want to tell you how to do your jobs, but I've seen you feature welfare bludgers before. I've seen the outrage you have displayed on punters behalf when people have taken the piss out of taxpayer funds. And I've watched on as peak hysteria in media resulted in governments bowing to Royal Commissions, dismantling of failed initiatives or dodgy schemes that are ripping off taxpayers.
Surely, you don't want to miss this scoop? It could give you endless headlines demanding this dodgy taxpayer scheme be thoroughly audited and the welfare cheats prosecuted or, at the very least, suspended from participating in this scheme for a period of time.
I know this might be a hard one for you to investigate — the conspiracy is massive. The Federal Government has hung out the "business as usual" sign and is closing ranks to protect these people from any consequences from their fraudulent access to this scheme. Also, you might have to sideswipe your Press Gallery mates who would normally give you tip-offs, as they seem to be limiting the fall out of this scheme. Though, to be fair, there could be a tinge of Stockholm Syndrome there as they are so used to this "business as usual" they can't see how much of a rip off this particular taxpayer-funded rort is and the extent of its abuse by people in power and their mates.
But c'mon guys, do us, taxpayers, a favour, rip open the wound and end this ongoing swindling of public funds.
Concerned taxpayer.
Read more from Noely Neate on her blog YaThink? or follow her on Twitter @YaThinkN.
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