Over the past few years, we've seen our Government go from bad to worse while news and mainstream media fuel the fire, writes Grant Turner.
AUSTRALIA JUST RE-ELECTED a totally chaotic Government that went to an election without scrutiny, with no policies, no vision and certainly no (funded) empathy for its people.
Comprehend this, folks: we have a Prime Minister that believes in praying in tounges, the laying on of hands to obtain God's healing and the casting out of demons, just like in The Exorcist. He believes that the poor are poor by choice and certainly he believes in the “have a go to get a go” teaching of the prosperity doctrine which is a mainstay of the Pentecostal Church, but here is the catcher — he also believes we are living in the “end days” and that Jesus will return to take his chosen up with him in the Rapture.
Simply put, he believes that the planet and its people are doomed and therefore any action on climate change is not necessary as humans on planet Earth are just pawns in God's preordained plan, so to expect that this PM will do anything to mitigate climate change or the suffering of its people would be futile as it goes against his core beliefs.
Emeritus Professor Philip Almond’s piece on the five aspects of Pentecostalism influencing Scott Morrison's politics is essential reading. Worrying me most are the warped Pentecostal beliefs in Divine Providence, the Prosperity Gospel & Exclusivism https://t.co/njmyDBTakk
— Russell Darnley (@maximos62) May 22, 2019
Scott Morrison presents as a “no blood on his hands” PM whom only by political circumstances found himself in the top job, but it takes very little searching to reveal that Mr Morrison has no morals and destroying a man's reputation is just collateral damage when it comes to achieving his goals.
It's obvious that Mr Morrison's squeaky clean rise was something that the mainstream media, including the ABC, never pursued with any vigour but instead chose not to shine a light on. Sadly, as hard as independent media tries, it is to a great extent muted and ignored by those that have an agenda and call the shots. The ultimate example of this is the fact that folks on Twitter such as Independent Australia and True Crime News Weekly knew for months about Barnaby's affair with a staffer and the impending baby, the MSM and ABC choose not to report this prior to the New England by-election; whether it would have affected the result is irrelevant.
Then we have Scott's friend and fellow Pentecostal, Stuart Robert, who had his father (unbeknown to him) declared as a Director in a company dealing with millions of dollars in government contracts. He also spent $38K of taxpayer funds on his internet, which, of course, he says had nothing to do with his Pentecostal wife's online streamed religious show. He accepted a $40K Rolex watch from a Chinese donor as well as shares in a trust fund linked to a Liberal Party donor — none of these seems to matter to the MSM as they rarely reported or pursued them.
We go on to Mr Angus Taylor, who has not been held to account by the MSM for his $80 million Cayman Island water buyback scheme (#WaterGate) or the Treasurer's intervention in the illegal land clearing (#GrassGate). Let's not forget Michaelia Cash's AFP raids on the AWU and lying to Parliament five times with absolutely no repercussions.
Taylor made: Deeper into the floodwater scandalhttps://t.co/nP8iNhBWZu
— IndependentAustralia (@independentaus) May 4, 2019
Let's not even get into Sussan Ley's Gold Coast penthouse purchase or Greg Hunt's MRI gift to donors, the near $450 million each to Paladin and GBRF, or Dutton's family trust and the multi-million dollar Government payments to his wife's childcare centres. It's blatantly obvious that this Government governs for the betterment of its donors and the well-off, while the poor are driven to suicide by fake robo-debts.
We can go back to AshbyGate, where a Federal Court Judge stated that he believed there was an LNP conspiracy to bring down the ALP Government — none of these matters has had consequences for the LNP, they truly appear untouchable.
We have gone from a country that celebrated our diversity to a country that uses mind-destroying indefinite detention of genuine refugees seeking betterment because they travelled by boat, while ignoring those that arrive by plane. All this to deter those fleeing wars that Australia has participated in at the behest of our sycophantic relationship with the United States.
As a country, we have given up our privacy and dignity under the guise of the war on terrorism, yet in reality, terrorism has taken four lives in 40 years in Australia. However, one woman dies every week due to domestic violence with nothing but token efforts to combat it. We have been subjected to data retention and will now be subjected to the Government telling us how we can spend the meagre amount of dollars you'll earn if you happen to be the one-in-nine people applying for any job available.
We now have whistleblowers who reveal the extent of our Government's treachery being dragged through courts in an effort to destroy people just to hide their actions. Our journalists and the national broadcaster are raided for daring to speak about actions performed in our name, as Andrew Wilkie stated on Four Corners, “we are in a pre-police state”. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are so very close to being a full-on police state, where speaking out about our Government will land you in gaol with no real means to defend yourself.
australia has been a police state under control of the "cabal" for a long time. since 2013 this has escalated wildly. murdoch has been controlling the narrative for decades, but with the NINE network. he controls 90% of the media. that's why the hit piecehttps://t.co/Jsf7WpFFJi
— #endaustcorruption (@666MillSY666) August 26, 2019
This, to some, may seem like an extreme way to look at what is happening in Australia, but I'd suggest that the rise of Trump, Boris and now Morrison heralds the start of a new world order in which the line between truth and fake news is very blurred.
Sadly, Australians are a little apathetic regarding politics because they're kept so busy just trying to pay bills and keep their families functioning. It is a problem that those in power know and use — they direct their narrative and agenda with six-second sound grabs via a compliant and at times complicit MSM nightly news, This includes a diminishing ABC that seems to be more and more a player as opposed to a centre of truthful information.
When it comes to independent media, now more than ever in our history is the time to get behind and support their work as it is clear that the oligarchs running the MSM are only batting for their own interests and agendas. The rise of social media is a threat to these powers, so it's now time for all of us who see what is happening in our country and the world to support independent media that gives voice to the truths that the MSM suppresses and ignores.
1. This is a little thread about independent media, why it is so important and why we need to beg.
— Michelle Pini (@vmp9) August 30, 2019
Grant Turner has a strong interest in politics and fairness in society, and believes in honest independent media.
Subscribe and contribute to Independent Australia. I do. Independent media MUST survive in this country. There has never been a more important time than right now.. https://t.co/MGUqFxzNKi
— ShiannonCorcoran (@ShiannonC) August 2, 2019
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