
Caldicott: Fukushima a "disaster of biblical proportions"

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Coming up this weekend: comprehensive update on Fukushima nuclear disaster, including disturbing new details and an exclusive interview with Dr Helen Caldicott.

A couple of weeks ago, Independent Austalia reported Dr Helen Caldicott as saying Japan could become uninhabitable.

A few people accused us of being alarmist but, of course, we weren't the only ones saying this.

At around the same time, leading Japanese politician Ichirō Ozawa echoed Dr Caldicott's comments in the Wall Street Journal:

"Some day we may not be able to live in Japan. There is the possibility that the power plant can reach the state of criticality again. If it explodes, it’s a huge matter. Radiation is being leaked in order to keep the reactors from exploding. So, in this sense, it’s even worse than letting the power plant explode. Radiation is going to be flowing out for a long period of time. This is not a matter of money, but of life and death for the Japanese. If Japan cannot be saved, then the people of Japan are done for."

Over the weekend we will be publishing another groundbreaking story on the developing crisis in Japan. Here is a couple of teasers from Sandi Keane's interview with Dr Caldicott this morning.

Dr Helen Caldicott, speaking about the radiation leaking out of Fukushima:

"There is a massive ongoing release of radiation every single day.  There's no evidence of them ever stopping it. They are also now finding curium 244, which is even more dangerous than plutonium by orders of magnitutde. Many such isotopes are getting out. As Arnie [Gunderson] said yesterday, it is equivalent to 20 radioative cores melting — that is, melting through, not down. It's unprecedented; an absolute, total, disaster of biblical proportions."

Dr Caldicott on the cover-up by the Japanese authorities:

"Very few people are speaking the truth.  There is a huge coverup going in Japan.  Japan has heavily invested in producing nuclear reactors all over the world through Mitsubishi and Tepco.  They don’t want to lose their investment and export trade. That’s why they’ve been covering up the accident and lying to the people and inadequately measuring radiation all over Japan, as well as preventing foreign experts and organisations coming in to help monitor."

People aren't accusing us of being alarmist any more.

Keep watching this space — coming up this weekend will be environment correspondent Sandi Keane's comprehensive update on this Japanese nuclear disaster, that increasingly appears to be spiralling out of the control of the Japanese authorities.

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