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Huckster Grubisa: Lies, cheats and fleeces ya’

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Dominique Grubisa’s training materials are great works of plagiarism (Screenshot via Vimeo)

Fraudulent property and law "expert" Dominique Grubisa is continuing her business of ripping off clients with lies and plagiarism. IA offers a warning to potential victims.

THE AUSTRALIAN Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) says Dominique Grubisa has a ‘habit of not telling the truth’. But the wealth vulture’s own words reveal her lying is more than just a “habit” — it is a deliberate, concerted, well-publicised strategy.

Despite her reputation being in shambles and various regulators on her case, relentless spruiker Grubisa marches on selling her thoroughly discredited “wealth creation” courses.

In April 2022, ASIC issued a press release stating that Grubisa was someone who ‘has a habit of not telling the truth’.

Nevertheless, the self-described narcissist simply will not stop. Last month, she held two “five-day distressed property challenges” and on 16 December hosted a half-day webinar flogging her predatory property program.

In this article, we explain how her seemingly oblivious, often sycophantic followers become involved in her deception despite being shown time and again – including repeatedly by this publication – that she is a liar and con artist. Our next story about Grubisa will tell a shocking tale of deception and the misappropriation of money from a deceased estate.

“Anything goes” ─ including lying, cheating and deception

Grubisa's students enrolling in her mentoring program are provided with alleged “training” in several areas, one being “negotiation tactics”. This comes in two forms: seminars and written materials.

In written materials provided to her acolytes, Grubisa supposedly quotes George H Ross (a former Trump Organisation executive) as saying the following:

The Rules of Negotiation


  1. Are there any rules in negotiation?

The right answer is: “No there are no rules in negotiation.”


  1. Are lying, cheating and deception permitted?

The right answer is: “Yes, anything goes.”

She goes on, ‘Until a final contract is signed, all’s fair in love, war and negotiation’.

Dominique Grubisa lies about herself

That Grubisa’s client materials include obvious lies about her own experiences is palpably clear from the extracts below.

The following is an extract from Siimon Reynolds’ book, Why People Fail:

The following extract, taken from Grubisa’s own manual, is a rip-off of the above:

(Screenshot via DG Institute)

She lied. Blatantly.

But it doesn’t end there. A section entitled ‘Never be lied to’ includes an exhausting amount of content directly plagiarised from a book by Stephen Schiffman ─ even that very title. In it, Grubisa openly elaborates upon some of the lies she apparently told in her legal career.

Grubisa’s shameless plagiarism

Grubisa’s materials for her Elite Mentoring Program are, indeed, fantastic feats of plagiaristic art.

Amongst other examples, large sections of her Negotiation Secrets manual were simply lifted from Stephen Schiffman’s book, Negotiation Techniques (That Really Work). Her manual on communication skills was almost entirely copied from a series of articles published on the Mind Tools website. Her Roadmap to Success document has been extensively pilfered from Siimon Reynold’s book, Why People Fail.

Meanwhile, Grubisa's course notes, Stealing a deal at Auction, have been copied from several sources, including articles published by the New Zealand Herald and Australian website Switzer Daily.

Her marketing materials and her business advice in support of cases before the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) are also works of plagiarism. In another work of plagiarism, she even invited her students to contact a long disappeared fraudster, Jack Flader, who was named as the kingpin in Australia’s largest superannuation fraud.

In short, this self-styled money-making guru is a chronic plagiarist. Unfortunately, credulous people in their droves who have paid her between $25,000 and $50,000 for her Elite Mentoring Program are delivered the work of others.

Stealing others’ stories

Not only does Grubisa steal the works of others, she also steals their stories. 

IA has previously reported how Grubisa appropriated a case study by Jeremy Harbour of the Harbour Club after attending one of his seminars in Singapore.

We have also reported how her Real Estate Rescue Manual was created through a significant act of plagiarism of the book by Chip Cummings.

In the ‘Negotiation Secrets’ manual, Grubisa tells the story about how as a barrister, she lied to her solicitor about her availability to do a case when she double booked herself. She says she was caught out and never received another brief from either solicitor involved again after that. She said she told the solicitor how she had checked with her clerk about the dates (that this was not true) and that she drew in her clerk into the story ‘to have someone else to blame if needs be’.

Using words taken straight out of Stephen Schiffman’s book, mentioned above, Grubisa states:

‘When you lie, the first person you lie to is yourself.’

Grubisa then says, ‘You can see from my dialogue that I am trying to convince myself of the lie’.

Convincing herself of the lie

Perhaps Grubisa was trying to convince herself of another blatant lie when in December 2020, she told the Sydney Morning Herald that she denied that her parents had ever been involved with providing legal advice to students of DG Institute.

Not only were her parents giving legal advice to her students for years after being struck off, but her father was also using a fake name, Chris Jackson, to do so. The NSW Law Society had been aware of this since at least early 2019.

Perhaps she was also convincing herself of a lie when in the same letter, she spoke about Greg Klopper having been ‘previously engaged as a consultant to DG Institute’. Klopper has been there the whole time.

What is even more concerning is that not only has Grubisa seemingly convinced herself that lies are truth, but it seems so have many of her vulnerable, out-of-pocket proteges. With a barrage of lies, Grubisa managed to convince thousands that their worldwide assets are protected against creditors when they are not.

People! Beware of hucksters selling snake oil ─ especially ones who are able to even delude themselves about its efficacy.

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