Is the reign of Professor Flint over at the ACM? Barry Everingham is hearing loud rumblings from the rank and file.
Julia Gillard’s popularity might be going down among the voting public, but I’m here to tell readers there’s serious disquiet among some dyed in the wool supporters of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.
Those good people’s support for the Constitutional status quo is as strong as ever and they must be applauded for having the courage to stand up for their convictions.
I am receiving letters, telephone calls and emails from the ACM’s “supporters” – they pay dues but the ACM ‘s constitution allows only a handful of people to be members and that handful of course are under the control of David Flint and his foreign born sidekick, the ex-seminarian and born-and-bred Londoner — Tom Flynn.
One of the messages went as follows:
"Keep up your good work – expose Flint for what he is – help us get rid of him."
If I knew what he is I’d say so, but I do have a fair idea.
Mind you, those good people hate my brand of politics and my views on the retention of a constitution monarchy (neither of which I hide, mind you) but they go along with that time honoured adage: my enemy’s enemy is my friend!
And Flint, they say, has let them down on at least two significant occasions lately, causing outrage and fury.
Firstly, whilst applauding the decision of the new NSW Government for replacing in the “Stranger’s Dining Room” of the Parliament the portraits of the Queen and her husband which had been removed during the time the Hon Dr Meredith Burgmann served as President of the Upper House of the NSW Parliament, Flint then made a bitter, bitchy, unmanly and feline attack on Dr Burgman.
As though this attack wasn’t enough, this misogynistic clown decided to run a 1971 picture on his blog of Dr Burgmann in her student days being manhandled by police during an obvious demonstration (note picture opposite).
The caption read:
The caption:
“Dr Meredith Burmann [sic], revolting, in 1971”.
This is the kind of tactic Flint’s egregious chum, Alan Jones, pulls on the Prime Minister.
Makes you wonder, as one correspondent wrote, what kind of man is Flint?
You may well ask, dear Madam.
Now it seems that Independent Australia had shamed Flint into belatedly making amends for his churlish rudeness to Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, the Governor General of Australia, by withholding mention of her keynote address at a recent ACM luncheon.
Some background, here, is necessary.
I had been hearing rumblings from some ACM supporters that after Her Excellency had graciously agreed to be Flint’s Guest of Honour at an ACM luncheon in Sydney on August 30 this year, and that Flint was giggling and winking to his nearest and dearest that he intended to raise the vexed question, in Her Excellency’s presence, about the status of the Governor General as Head of State of Australia, which most people outside Flint’s immediate coterie think is utterly fallacious.
The rumblings got louder as the day of the event approached and, knowing how tricky and slippery Flint can be when his feline side is out of control, I was delighted to hear that the Australian Republican Movement was getting the same message but from different sources to mine.
This was all I needed to confirm my belief that “something was going on” to quote a long-time and disgusted supporter of what Flint is doing to ACM.
In the time honoured tradition of vice regal practise in dealing with the media on tricky subjects, Government House in Canberra gave me a firm and unequivocal “no comment” while the ARM was more forthcoming, suggesting to me that I “get a life”.
I’m happy to report that my sources within ACM reported to me that Flint was unusually subdued at the lunch and wasn’t his gushing and ingratiating self, which made me wonder if Her Excellency might have remarked to her aides on the way home that perhaps there may be a God after all!
Flint must have got the vibes emanating from the dissidents that their pique ridden Indonesian obsessive wasn’t, until well after the event, going to mention Her Excellency’s decision to grace the luncheon with her presence.
ne of the Anti-Flintites seems to think he is grooming the unlikely named Jai Martinkovits to replace him and wondered how Flint will fill in his time after he’s run his race.
My suggestion is, and I’m serious, that he should put his obsessive and forensic skills to good use by hunting down those Indonesian people smugglers and handing them over to Australian authorities.