Brittany Higgins worked as an adviser for numerous government organisations, members of parliament and cabinet ministers in state and federal governments.
In 2021, Brittany became a fierce advocate for workplace and women’s safety after she spoke publicly about the culture in Parliament House in Canberra.
By speaking publicly, Brittany sparked a wave of discussions over the toxic workplace culture, systemic misogyny and the victim blaming women face in both politics and the wider community.
A month after Brittany came forward, protests occurred in 40 cities across Australia. Organisers estimated more than 100 thousand people came together to rally against the sexual abuse and harassment of women in Australia.
Since then Brittany has continued to lobby for change, meeting with the Prime Minister, the Federal Opposition and other advocates to demand better.
Recently, Brittany was appointed the inaugural visiting fellow at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at the Australian National University where she works with researchers, academics and key stakeholders to improve workplaces for women.
She was the 2021 recipient of the Edna Ryan award for Grand Stirrer, a finalist for the 2021 Australian Human Rights Medal and recognised as #7 on the 2021 Australian Financial Review Power List.
Most recently, she was interning as a media adviser at the Queensland Human Rights Commission reviewing the state’s Anti-Discrimination Act and producing the ‘Building Belonging’ Review which recommends a positive duty be required by employers.
Prior to her various roles as a media adviser in politics, Brittany was a news reporter for 105.7 Radio and worked in the real estate industry.