Managing editor Michelle Pini discusses defamation proceedings against Brittany Higgins – as reported by The Australian – which include claims she 'plotted'to bring down the Coalition Government.
IF YOU WERE planning to overthrow a democratically elected government, how would you do it?
Engineer a double dissolution and enlist the help of the Crown, as occurred during Gough Whitlam’s reign, perhaps?
Maybe you would just engage the full force of the fossil fuel magnates to create a fabricated fear campaign over climate change policy, such as during Kevin Rudd’s term?
Though a tad distasteful and not for the faint-hearted, an old-fashioned military coup, as favoured by some of our African neighbours, may be an option.
You might employ a strategic negative publicity campaign complete with memorable three-word slogans and vile slurs, and concocted scandals, such as those inflicted on Julia Gillard, for example.
Or maybe you might prefer to orchestrate an insurrection, Donald Trump-style?
With the possible exception of a double dissolution, which may be a one-trick pony due to its overly dramatic and memorable nature – although still quite doable since our British overlords remain – these options could all be replicated here.
Certainly, all of the above methods (even a military coup) would be speedier and more ensured of success than the scheme to bring down the Morrison Government, which ex-Liberal Party staffer Brittany Higgins and partner David Sharaz have been accused of hatching.
According to Court documents “accessed” by none other than Murdoch gutter rag The Australian, which detail Senator Reynolds' defamation proceedings against her former staffer, Ms Higgins, aided and abetted by her now-husband David Sharaz, is accused of devising a plot to 'burn down the House'.
If this were true, it would have required the former Liberal staffer to take at least all of the following devious, preparatory steps:
- getting drunk before taking off all your clothes and passing out in the office of your employer;
- making up a rape allegation against a senior colleague, the details about which you only share with your bosses and closest confidants;
- transferring to another state, away from your nearest and dearest, to remain employed by the government you wish to bring down;
- waiting two years before going public with said rape claim;
- enlisting the help of selected Labor politicians and assorted sympathisers;
- eventually instigating a negative publicity campaign in which you imply your former boss and the Federal Government covered up your sexual assault;
- going to court to be subjected to endless questioning and cross-examination, only to have a mistrial declared and the alleged rapist freed;
- having your entire life, including personal texts and sexual relationships, publicly shared for mass dissection and judgement;
- suffering protracted mental illness;
- being hospitalised due to failing mental health on several occasions;
- enduring endless associated legal battles (some of which require you to travel exceedingly long distances to attend) seemingly without end; and
- finally enjoying the fruits of your labours, a full three years later, when the government, for which you worked but secretly wished to see overthrown, eventually loses a democratic election.
Obviously, in the above scenario, the Morrison Government would be booted out because of the dastardly plot devised by Higgins and Sharaz – as detailed above — and not because it was the most incompetent Government since Federation.
According to The Australian, Ms Reynolds' statement of claim accuses Ms Higgins of planning to ‘burn down the House’ by 'drip feeding false information' to then-Opposition senators Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong:
' part of a larger plan to destroy the career of Linda Reynolds and take down the Morrison Government.'
The devious plan somehow also involved Kevin Rudd and former Liberal PM Malcolm Turnbull, among others.
This is an ingenious scheme even Dr Evil would struggle to execute.
A spokesperson for Ms Higgins said of the claims:
“Brittany Higgins is steadfast in her truth about the aftermath of her rape in Parliament House. She is being forced back into the courtroom for the third time to canvass these distressing events.”
For the record, Independent Australia is not suggesting that any of the above claims are accurate or that anyone was or wasn’t defamed. Neither are we inciting any future coups d'etat.
Former Senator Linda Reynolds is suing both Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz separately in the WA Federal Court over social media comments, which she claims defamed her and a trial has been scheduled for early August.
Follow managing editor Michelle Pini on Twitter @vmp9 and Independent Australia on Twitter/X @independentaus and Facebook HERE.
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