Politics Analysis

Dutton’s Dickensian working-from-home ban

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(Image by Dan Jensen)

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton channels Ebenezer Scrooge as he promises to ban working from home for public servants, writes Dr Abul Rizvi.

IS OPPOSITION LEADER Peter Dutton now aping Ebenezer Scrooge?

Charles Dickens' character, Ebenezer Scrooge, had a great boss when he was an apprentice. Mr Fezziwig was a cheerful man who mentored Scrooge with kindness and generosity. He had a true affection for his employees who were in return loyal and hard-working.

When Scrooge is master himself, he revisits Fezziwig as the ghost of Christmas past and is haunted by the difference in their respective management styles. Fezziwig trusted his employees to work diligently; Scrooge did not and thought that if he took his eyes off them for a single moment, they would be skiving off and not be productive.

I was reminded of the Scrooge story when I heard of Dutton’s working-from-home ban

You can almost hear Scrooge talking when Dutton says:

“I am not going to tolerate a position where taxpayers are working harder than ever to pay their own bills and they're seeing public servants in Canberra refuse to go to work.”

The public servants Dutton refers to are always in Canberra even though the majority of public servants work outside of Canberra. Working from home actually enables more of the public service workforce to work from regional areas due to the improved internet connectivity provided by the NBN. But it seems the Nationals are again not prepared to stand up for regional Australia.

As Scrooge would have thought, Dutton thinks people working from home aren’t actually working. 

His shadow spokesperson, Senator Jane Hume, told a conservative think tank that:

‘A recent report from Stanford’s Institute for Economic Policy Research consolidated research on working from home and its impact on productivity.’

But Hume was quoting selectively.

That Stanford report found that:

Studies of hybrid working arrangements often find productivity gains (relative to traditional arrangements)... 


These studies suggest that working from home one or two days a week improves productivity and leads to happier employees.

Another key finding of the Stanford study is that:

‘On average, those who work from home spend ten minutes less a day being unproductive and work one more day a week. These same remote workers are up to 47 per cent more productive than office workers.’

The fact is that well-designed and managed working-from-home arrangements increase productivity and workforce participation. That sounds like the type of approach Fezziwig would have supported but the Coalition won’t.

Despite his insistence that his policy is gender-neutral, it would hit women hardest, particularly women trying to return to the workforce after maternity leave. Increasing women’s labour force participation has been one of Australia’s major successes over the past 30 years. But it is one that Dutton appears to care little for.

More women now work in the Australian Public Service than men. There are more women at senior levels than ever before. If Dutton wants to attract and retain talented women in the public service, the worst thing he could do is put a blanket ban on working from home.

It is hard to know what is driving the Coalition to make this an issue. Belting public servants has, of course, been a Coalition go-to position for over a decade so it could be just that.

Copying U.S. President Donald Trump could be another driver. Dutton does seem to have outsourced his policy development function to the Trump Administration.

Another driver could be pressure from businesses in the CBD, particularly owners of commercial property who are often major donors to the Liberal Party. Hospitality businesses in the CBD may also be complaining to Dutton although making them happy would be at the expense of hospitality businesses in suburban centres. 

The extraordinary thing is that governments, both Commonwealth and State, have for years tried to reduce congestion pressure on the CBDs of our major cities. Now that there is an obvious solution that only needs a little bit of sensible management, Dutton is going to pour cold water on the issue, which will result in a massive increase in CBD congestion.

At the end of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, Scrooge realises his narrow-minded approach to management was making productivity much worse. Will Dutton undergo a similar transformation?

DISCLAIMER: Dr Abul Rizvi was formerly chair of the NBN committee on telework under both Coalition and Labor Governments.

Dr Abul Rizvi is an Independent Australia columnist and a former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration. You can follow Abul on Twitter/X @RizviAbul and Bluesky @abulrizvi.bsky.social​​​​​​.

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