
Bernardi and Abbott plumb the depths of the extreme right

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Cory Bernardi – who David Flint seems to idolise – is at it again — this time blasting gay people who want their relationships normalised and legalised.

This leader of the extreme lunatic Right really plumbed the depths by claiming he would no more want to change the definition of marriage between a man and woman than “redefine a cat as a dog”.

He is on safe ground though.

His unelectable leader, Tony Abbott – who is in the thrall of the likes of George Pell – won’t let his MP’s take part in a conscience vote on the issue, a move Malcolm Turnbull will allow once he is returned to the party’s leadership and when the Liberals will again be taken seriously.

Turnbull does not have insane thought bubbles on major issues, he has policies, and when the Government brings in legislation worth considering he does not automatically oppose it for the sake of opposing.

Bernardi takes the line of another Flint idol — the ridiculous, Bible–bashing, Fred Nile; the laughing stock of the NSW Parliament’s Upper House, who stays there on the slimmest of margins provided by the few clowns who vote for him.

What is about those two that sends Flint into raptures at the merest mention of their names? They are people that decent Australians would call “poofter bashers” and, as such, are a dying breed in this egalitarian, freedom loving, country of ours.

Needless to say, both are staunch monarchists and Nile was the de facto leader of the push headed by Flint to have Sydney’s Government House rebranded as the Governor’s official residence, after Bob Carr made the stupid mistake of turning that awesome pile into a reception and meetings venue.

Nile recently had the “Oath of Allegiance” controversy reignited but he got only half his way.  MP’s can decide what oath or affirmation is used and the more progressive – dare I say, normal – MP’s would hardly swear any kind of allegiance to a non-resident unelected foreigner and not to the people of NSW.

And while on the subject of village idiots, what in the name of all that’s sane induced the electors of Peter Slipper’s Queensland seat of Flinders to smear the window of his electoral office with foul graffiti?

These are the very people who have been hurling innuendo and insults at the guy who held his ground in the face of the troglodytes trying to unseat him. They forget that he has been legally elected to the House of Representatives and is there until another election is called — and they can then decide his fate, one way or the other.

Once more, Captain Catholic had another of his mad thought bubbles by incorrectly and insultingly claiming that Speaker Slipper is the “Prime Minister’s Speaker”.

Wrong again Captain.

Speaker Slipper is the House of Representative’s Speaker – not Ms Gillard’s, not yours.

Try to unseat him by bringing on a vote and you will see democracy at work.

Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor have been subjected to all manner of cheap shots because they exercised their democratic rights and I, for one, would certainly say that had the Liberals had an acceptable and electable leader at the last election things would now be totally different.

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