
Verbal terrorism and the hate barrage

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When will our home grown verbal terrorists stop their barrage of hate? Senior correspondent Barry Everingham wants an answer.

Alan Jones went totally overboard recently when he threatened to “…put Julia Gillard into a chaff bag and hoist her into the Tasman Sea”.

This is the same Alan Jones who went totally overboard during the so called “Cronulla riots”, caused when a group of Australian bogans took on Muslims who had the temerity to dare to swim at Cronulla!

And I guess the madman who took out at least 93 Norwegians had the same attitude to those who are not fair-skinned locals.

Jones and the attack dogs in the Murdoch press – Bolt, Ackerman, Blair et al – must realise what damage they doing in our community, preying on the racism of their readers.

Last year in the United States a glaring example of the power of the lunatic right was evident when the Tea Party tried to assassinate a member of Congress.

Of course the bogans – and that’s all they are – of the Tea Party tried to distance themselves from this outrage, but no one took their protests seriously.

How could they?

This reactionary right wing rabble of miscreants, racists and anti-Semites actually used pictures of their perceived “enemies” super imposed with gun targets!

It has to be said to his great credit that Rupert Murdoch demanded the egregious Sean Hannity not attend a Tea Party rally he had agreed to address.

It’s hard to imagine a reasoned commentator would even agree to speak at such gathering in the first place.

Bolt, Ackerman, Jones etc?

Draw your own conclusions as to their attitudes if a similar invitation was issued.

Back to Alan Jones.

Just how childish was this clown to make the statement he did about dumping the prime minister in the ocean.

Tony Abbott of course, as the Parliament’s verbal terrorist assoluta, works himself into a frenzy at the mention of the name of Gillard and he gives further impetus to his rabble in the form of Bronwyn Bishop, Julie Bishop, Sophie Mirabella, Barnaby Joyce, Eric Abetz and others.

Gillard, when Abbott starts frothing at the mouth, turns her back, of course, and ignores him leaving the cat calling to his followers — who will resort to anything he wants so as to secure a ministry in the event of him becoming Prime Minister.

The out of control lunatic who caused the mayhem in Norway sang from the same song sheet as Jones and his News Limited mates.

Which gives all decent Australians reason to be afraid — extremely afraid.
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