In an astonishing show of support, IA’s Ashbygate Trust initiative is over ¼ of the way towards its goal already. Idea originator Geezlouise comments.
IN AN ASTONISHING show of support for free press and democracy, IA's campaign to raise funds to further the investigation into the disgraceful Ashby-gate affair has managed to raise just over $14,000 in its first day and a bit of existence! Since we published our story on Wednesday night, at time of publication, 105 people have pledged their support.
A huge note of thanks to all those pledging a contribution and offering ideas and advice. It is so encouraging to receive your support and to know we will be travelling this path in good company.
As previously described all monies raised will go towards the establishment of the trust and the investigative and legal costs that will be incurred in progressing the cause of bringing the villains and culprits of the Ashbygate affair to justice.
In pursuing this goal we will endeavour to make sure every Australian citizen appreciates just how dirty this sordid affair is and expose the nefarious and criminal elements involved in this vile attempt to steal a democracy, and the pathetic attempts of our media to ignore it.
The money raised is fantastic and is indeed the very fuel that will empower us to stand up against the gigantic weight of the vested interests and self-serving politicians. However, more encouraging is the level of public support and the willingness of citizens to get involved and start taking their fate into their own hands.
Just to remind readers on what we are set to achieve in my first story:
The idea is that we establish a trust. David Donovan himself has agreed to manage it.
The trust will seek contributions in the form of pledges that will only be called upon should we will reach a minimum target of $50,000.
The objective of the trust will be to engage lawyers and private investigators to make sufficient preparations such that the case against Mal Brough, Christopher Pyne, James Ashby and other co-conspirators can be run as a private prosecution.
The trust will be run as a not for profit under the guidance of David Donovan. I will be assisting him in administrative functions, as I hope others will also.
All expenditures will be transparently accounted for in a discrete section of the Independent Australia domain.
Major decisions will be discussed and voted upon in a democratic fashion, whereby every $100 contribution gets one vote in proceedings.
Of course actions and discoveries of the trust will be reported on in detail at Independent Australia and hopefully more broadly in the wider media.
In a small update, due to the incredible support we have received from senior citizens, we have agreed to reduce the contribution limit for each vote to $50 for pensioners.
(If you are a pensioner who has already pledged, please contact DD on the same email address to notify us of your pensioner status.)
We will need to do a lot more of this if we are to see our democracy survive.
As the last few years have shown, the concentration of media ownership and the ease with which political influence can be bought has left Australian communities in a perilous situation.
In a daunting scenario, we are left literally on our own as protectors of standards of honesty and decency and defenders of future generation's birthright to a fair go community in a fair dinkum country.
With the new tools of the information age it is uplifting and encouraging to see fellow Australians so enthusiastically embrace the opportunity to transition from passive media consumers to pro-active participants, redirecting and reshaping the media's focus to the traditional role of informing the public and shining a light, so that the weeds of corruption don't become too entrenched.
We will continue to keep you updated of all developments and encourage you to get involved in whichever way you can. We need ideas, we need energy, we need numbers to join the fight, we need help getting our message through the asinine white noise of the propagandadistic press, and we need contributions. We need money to continue the fight.
We value all contributions, no matter how small.
If you can help with all – or any – please contact us at
Thank you.
(If you would like to find out more about the Ashbygate Trust initiative, please click here. Find out more about the James Ashby conspiracy, please click here.)
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