As everybody knows, Fox News is a part of that Argus-eyed monster, News Corporation, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Most people mistakenly think of Rupert Murdoch as a media mogul — and this is not strictly true. Murdoch is also an oil man.
BusinessWire reported, back in 2010, that Murdoch purchased equity stakes in Genie Oil and Gas Inc:
Genie Energy Corporation (Genie Energy), a division of IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT, IDT.C), today announced that Lord (Jacob) Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch have each purchased equity stakes in Genie Oil and Gas Inc. Jacob Rothschild will join Rupert Murdoch on Genie Energy’s Strategic Advisory Board and Jacob Rothschild’s interests will partner with Genie Energy to raise capital for the eventual commercialization of its oil shale projects.To digress slightly, it’s important to look into the background of one of Murdoch’s business partners at Genie — a man whose political influence cannot be overestimated.
Jacob Rothschild and Mr. Murdoch separately purchased equity positions equivalent to a cumulative 5.5% stake in Genie Oil and Gas Inc., which consists of IDT’s interests in American Shale Oil, LLC (AMSO), and Israel Energy Initiatives, Ltd., (IEI), for a total of $11.0 million dollars.
The Rothschild family name is familiar with conspiracy researchers. However, one doesn’t need to speculate and theorize too much about this Rothschild.
Jacob Rothschild, formally Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild is, reportedly, one of the world’s few trillionaires. It would not be an insult to the baron to call him a ”Zionist” In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that without the certain members of the Rothschild family, the state of Israel might not exist at all.
Read the rest of this story on the Nomadic Politics website.