Politics Opinion

Religious discrimination bill set aside, win for human rights

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Cartoon by Mark David/@markdavidcartoons

Thank God, the Religious Discrimination Bill is done for. 

That Bill was all about allowing discrimination based on "statements of faith".

Imagine extreme Christians and Muslims squaring off at each other, using their self-serving interpretation of their "holy books" and "statements of belief" as the foundation for their abuse.

Religious freedom? Certainly, but not religious domination. 

The core issue of "religious discrimination" could be addressed by amending the anti-discrimination laws made at the state level, which generally outlaw discrimination against everyone including those who are religious. Section 116 of the Constitution also seeks to protect freedom of religion.

Interestingly enough, this concerningly religious Government wanted to expand "religious" comment so they could say and do what they wanted on matters of race, gender and other characteristics with disregard for the anti-discrimination laws in place. At the same time, the Government attempted to muzzle charities.

However, it seems God was looking after us by stifling the Treasury Laws Amendment (Greater Transparency of Proxy Advice) Regulations 2021, which would have severely reduced access to information available for shareholders.

Proxy advice is important in facilitating informed shareholder voting. 

CPA spokesperson Jane Rennie said:

"It [increases] the accountability of boards and management who deliver poor outcomes for shareholders, especially superannuation fund members."  

If only God would inspire the Government to read the Bible and apply its teachings other than the aberrant theology known as "The Prosperity Theology".

Australia likens itself to a Christian based philosophy, but when held accountable to “the Bible”, it fails miserably.  

Revisit Prime Minister Scott Morrison's "values” from his maiden speech

From my faith I derive the values of loving-kindness, justice and righteousness, to act with compassion and kindness, acknowledging our common humanity and to consider the welfare of others; to fight for a fair go for everyone to fulfil their human potential and to remove whatever unjust obstacles stand in their way, including diminishing their personal responsibility for their own wellbeing; and to do what is right, to respect the rule of law, the sanctity of human life and the moral integrity of marriage and the family.


We must recognise an unchanging and absolute standard of what is good and what is evil. Desmond Tutu put it this way:

"... we expect Christians ... to be those who stand up for the truth, to stand up for justice, to stand on the side of the poor and the hungry, the homeless and the naked, and when that happens, then Christians will be trustworthy believable witnesses."

To feel even worse, read the whole speech.

Joe Lenzo is a former corporate executive from the U.S.

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