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Daniel Johnson

  • Daniel Johnson is, variously, a poet, musician, gardener, writer and designer. 

    His interests and work encompass the fields of art, psychology, philosophy, ethics, human potential and possibility and how these fields interact with Human Rights and Responsibilities, the Environment and Justice. 

    He is a vocal advocate for Love, which he believes is the only panacea for the world's many and worsening ills. 

    "Our businesses and institutions cannot divorce themselves from normal human functions such as Love, Empathy, Compassion and Understanding in the name of business as usual. Without these, our systems become, and have become, neurotic, robotic, despotic and indeed, the definition of psychotic. They then seek to enslave us and while we wonder what is going wrong and look around for someone to blame we keep feeding the machines with our time, sweat and blood and do nothing ourselves to dismantle or humanise what we have built. Meanwhile dooming ourselves, our children and the planet to a future devoid of normal health, joy and fulfilment, which is everyone's right."

Articles written by Daniel Johnson (1)

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