Constituent P. Miles emails Arthur Sinodinos to remind him to vote and then follows up with another email to help jog the Senator's ever-failing memory.
Sent: 1 July 2016
Subject: Don't forget to vote!
Hi Arthur,
In case you've forgotten: tomorrow is 2 July 2016. Election day. You're standing.
Before you go bye-byes tonight, tie a ribbon around your little finger to remind you. Make it a blue one so you'll remember that you're with the Liberals.
And if anyone asks you about Eddie Obeid, practice this reply:
This will be a nice change from
"I can't recall."
Good luck my friend.
P. Miles
Sent: 3 July 2016
Subject: RE: Don't forget to vote!
Hi Arthur,
Congratulations. By all accounts, you not only remembered to turn up to vote yesterday but there you were on Channel 9 last night arriving on-time for an election broadcast.
Make no mistake: we are making progress with this memory thing of yours but there was a glitch ...
There you were on Channel 9, after a great day of remembering all your appointments, when, bingo, right in the middle of waxing lyrically about the great man Turnbull, your memory thing happened ... again. Mustering all the indignation that the Shakespearean conman in you allowed, voice rising and tears welling, you accused Labor of telling a great big lie over the privatisation of Medicare.
This, from you, of all people. Has your memory deserted you again, Senator Seenodonors?
Forgotten that you were a blabbering gibbering idiot in the ICAC witness box, barely able to remember your name, let alone the squillions of dollars of developer bribes laundered for the Liberal Party by an entity of which you were the treasurer to do God knows what?
John Howard. Remember him? The current attorney-general, your supposedly honourable trusted colleague George Brandis, called Howard a
"lying, little rodent."
Yet you, to this very day, adore Little Johnny.
How about your current idol, Turnbull? He cultivated Godwin Grech, the biggest liar bar none in the history of the public service, before plonking that wretched little man before a parliamentary inquiry as a man of truth to do a job on the government of the day. And when the con was exposed, your mate Malcolm ran off like a rat up a drain pipe leaving the hapless, hopeless Eric Abetz to pick up the pieces.
And don't get me started on Tony Abbott. The liar who actually admitted that we can't believe anything he says unless he writes it down.
Said Tony, the evening before he formed government, in which you have a leading role, on the basis of mouthfuls of ... great big lies:
"There will be no cuts to Medicare, pensions, the SBS, the ABC ... "
So, Arfur, you of all people shouldn't be accusing anyone else of lying. No. Not you. Never, ever.
Which brings me to my last point: a Federal ICAC. We desperately need one. Don't you think?
Your friend,
P. Miles
Cartoon of Arthur Sinodinos courtesy of John Graham. You can order other cartoons of John's from the IA store here.
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