News Corp's political influence is strong enough to sway public opinion and urgently needs scrutiny, particularly in an election year, writes Dr Victoria Fielding.
THE IDEA that News Corp is “biased” towards Right-wing politicians, ideas and values is so well known that it has been normalised in Australian discourse. This political and academic orthodoxy has led to a lack of analysis of what this “bias” means for Australian democracy and, indeed, whether bias is all there is to be concerned about.
My newly published research paper in collaboration with colleagues Catherine Son, Robert Boucaut and Alexander Beare uses the findings of the Murdoch Referendum Accountability Project, funded by Australians for a Murdoch Royal Commission, to examine how News Corp is far more than just biased.
Published in the prestigious International Journal of Communication, our paper argues that News Corp uses the genre of news and commentary as a form of political advocacy, advocating for conservative ideas and causes. These findings are relevant to Murdoch media across the globe, including the U.S., particularly Fox News, and UK broadcast and tabloid outlets.
Using the case of the Australian Voice Referendum, we assert that News Corp was not just reporting and commenting on events and information on the Referendum, but rather was using its media content as a form of political campaign. That is, News Corp was not just biased towards the “No” campaign, but advocated on behalf of it, in concert with “No” campaign spokespeople.
In this paper, we describe the seven strategies that News Corp used to advocate against the Voice. The first of these strategies is amplifying the “No” campaign. We found in an analysis of 1,613 newspaper articles and Sky News videos over 13 weeks during the Referendum that “No” arguments were used in 68% of all words that contained a Voice argument.
In other words, just over two-thirds of argument content in The Australian, Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph and on Sky News was pro-“No”, and less than one-third was pro-“Yes”. This strategy characterises the traditional notion of News Corp as “one-sided” towards Right-wing ideas, politicians and campaigns, showing a favouring of Right-wing arguments ahead of Left-wing ones.
The second strategy of News Corp’s conservative advocacy was attacking “Yes” advocates. We found that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was the main target of negative coverage, with News Corp’s “No” advocacy theorised to have two goals: defeating the Voice and in doing so, undermining Albanese’s prime ministership.
We demonstrated the negative coverage of “Yes” advocates through analysis of the narrative used in News Corp’s voice coverage by quantifying the characterisation of heroes, villains or victims. We found that 58% of all characterised words framed “Yes” campaigners as villains, with 72% of characterisations benefiting the “No” campaign.
The third strategy of News Corp’s conservative advocacy against the Voice was the exclusion and de-emphasis of “Yes” arguments. In particular, we found that where “Yes” spokespeople argued that over 80% of Indigenous Australians wanted a Voice to Parliament, News Corp included 7,174 words claiming Indigenous Australians did not want a Voice and only 2,277 arguing they did.
Additionally, where “Yes” advocates said that Parliament would decide the details of the Voice, News Corp included this information in only 722 words, while including 37,929 words claiming, in line with the “No” campaign, that there were no details about how the Voice would work. This claim was an important plank in the “No” campaign’s slogan: ‘If you don’t know, vote no.’
The fourth strategy, which highlights an important finding not just about the Voice Referendum, but News Corp’s content more broadly, is that commentary, sometimes referred to as opinion, was melded with reportage, making it difficult for audiences to differentiate between Voice opinions and facts.
This melding took the form of commentators appropriating journalistic investigative reporting terminology, such as claiming to release exclusive information, commentators stepping between the role of commentary and reporting, commentators co-authoring pieces with journalists, and Sky News commentators interviewing guests in the style of journalistic interviewing, where “No” advocates were given a platform to campaign and not held to any journalistic standards of scrutiny or fact-checking.
Crucially, as well as this melding, we also found that commentary content was more voluminous than reportage. Of the three newspapers, 53% of words were either commentary or opinion pieces, and 68% of minutes of Sky News content were commentary, as opposed to reportage.
In traditional mainstream news outlets, commentary has traditionally been a small supplement to “hard news” and crucially, clearly delineated from news to ensure readers and viewers know when they were being presented opinions rather than facts. That News Corp not only melds commentary with reportage, but also that commentary is the majority of content, is a crucial part of its advocacy campaigning.
A related fifth strategy of News Corp’s anti-Voice advocacy is that commentators overtly mobilised the audience, urging them to vote “No”. For example, Rowan Dean claimed: “Australians are being lied to by their Prime Minister and their Government. It's a disgrace. Vote ‘No’.” Peta Credlin said: “I want [the Voice] to fail and fail badly so it's put away hopefully forever and a day.” Andrew Bolt told his audience: “Please vote ‘No’ for the sake of the children if not for yourself.” And former Senator Cory Bernardi urged: “Vote no to Canberra's racist and divisive voice.”
These examples demonstrate the style of commentary at News Corp is not a discussion of different perspectives but is clearly a campaign platform where commentators, many who cross into journalistic styles, overtly intervene in democratic debates as participants.
The sixth strategy also extends understanding of the political impact of News Corp beyond traditional conceptions of bias. We found during the Voice Referendum that News Corp created new campaign content – new lines of attack – against the “Yes” campaign in aid of the “No” campaign. This included Peta Credlin’s misleading conspiracy theory claiming the Uluru Statement was not one page but was a much longer document that she claimed revealed the nefarious true agenda of the Voice Referendum.
It also included Andrew Bolt accusing Indigenous Australians of faking their cultural heritage to gain special privileges, echoing the same accusations that saw him breaching the Racial Discrimination Act in 2009.
The final strategy is one that News Corp uses constantly in its Right-wing campaigning, just as other conservative media have for decades – it worked to delegitimise the coverage of competitor media, including particularly the ABC and, to a lesser extent, The Guardian – by accusing them of bias towards the “Yes” campaign.
This strategy fulfils multiple objectives: it increases mistrust of alternative news sources amongst News Corp audiences; it presents Right-wing views as more truthful than legitimately produced and balanced news content; it downplays the scrutiny of “No” campaigners reported by competitor news outlets; and it frames competitor news outlets as “elite” and “untrustworthy”, allowing News Corp commentators to claim that they are “outsiders” and that they “speak on behalf of the little guy”.
Yes, that’s right — apparently, the country’s largest news organisation is not mainstream and commentators paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year are not elite. It would be laughable if it weren’t so insidious.
Where one of these strategies on its own would not necessarily constitute a political campaign, it is their synthesis that constitutes the use of news content as a form of political advocacy. We, of course, have not sought to claim that this News Corp advocacy determined the result of the Referendum, but we do argue that considering the size of News Corp in a highly concentrated news media market, it had influence that deserves scrutiny.
This scrutiny gets to the crux of how important this academic work is to understand the part News Corp plays in Australian society, culture and political landscape. Like it always does, during the Voice Referendum, News Corp advocated on behalf of the more powerful group by opposing challenges to this power. This playbook saw News Corp advocating against the marginalised group — Indigenous Australians from the “Yes” campaign who advocated for constitutional recognition and an advisory body to help address their marginalisation in Australian society.
By using its media power to undermine the opportunity of the marginalised party to present their views in a fair and balanced way, and instead advocating against them, News Corp’s conservative advocacy against the Indigenous Voice is argued in this paper to have undermined the health of the democratic process.
As we head into a federal election year, I will leave it up to the astute readers of Independent Australia to consider for yourselves the grave implications of Australia’s largest and most powerful media organisation using its power to advocate for Right-wing political interests under the facade of merely presenting “news” to the voting audience.
Dr Victoria Fielding is an Independent Australia columnist. You can follow her on Threads or Bluesky.

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