Compulsory voting is meant to ensure freedom, writes Victor Kline, but when we're forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, what freedom do we really have?
I HAVE SPENT most of my life being proud of how our country is one of the few in the world with compulsory voting. Like many, I told myself that voting is not only a right, but also an obligation — that we are born into a democracy, which gives us certain freedoms and we have a duty to protect and enhance those freedoms through the casting of our vote.
But as I grow older and have had the "privilege" of getting very close to the legal and political system of this country, I am not so sure I can think that way anymore. For a start, the "freedoms" we are supposed to be protecting – with the benefit of my close-up – have started to look a lot like the very opposite of freedom.
Jean Jacques Rousseau may tell us that we enter into a social contract with one another and with our government. In fact, we are the government, by consent. This is what we protect with our vote.
But John Locke makes the obvious point that literally no one ever does that. No one ever gets to make a contract. We are born and the government is already there. It has already laid down its rules without any reference to us. Whether we like those rules or not, we either obey them or we go to gaol. We either keep our mouths closed, or we get sued into poverty by those we seek to critique.
Of course, this is where the vote is supposed to come in. If we don’t like the rules we are told to live by, we can vote to change them. We can vote for someone who will change them. But this is also where my personal close-up comes in.
For many years I looked about in vain for someone to vote for. Someone who, even in a small way, represented my desire for a fairer and more compassionate society. But the "democratic" system I was born into only offered two options which both operated from a neo-classical economic base.
Bob Hawke made sure of this by committing the Labor Party to neo-classical economics in the 1980s. Hawke also loosened restrictions on political donations and removed media restrictions. These latter enabled the rich to buy elections and the media monopoly to justify that purchase.
Most people think that the economic system which a government chooses to employ makes no difference to the policies it can promote. That is why Bob Hawke could completely reverse 100 years of Labor thinking and still remain a "hero of the Left" in the eyes of most.
Tragically, the system of economics that a governing party chooses to employ is everything and tells us everything about what they can achieve. Even a moment’s reflection will remind us that in our own lives, literally everything we do or want to do is dependent on our economic circumstances.
Governments can of course, through constructive investment, create their own desired economic circumstances. But if they choose not to – if they choose to restrict themselves to a "household" budget – they are no better off than any individual; totally in the hands of the wealthy.
Bob Menzies ran deficits seven to nine times that of any modern neo-classical government and created the most prosperous times in Australian history, without any significant inflation, with virtually full employment and with the most egalitarian income system we have known. Gough Whitlam parlayed this into nothing short of an egalitarian social revolution.
By contrast, under the neo-classical system of economics run by both current major parties, the government is heavily restricted in what and how it can invest in the country. It is required to aim for surpluses, which take money out of the economy, drive small business to the wall, create unemployment and homelessness, and deliver near monopoly benefits to two, or at most three, enterprises in every industry.
For fear of the media, the Greens also propose a neo-classical economic system even though it is totally unsuitable for what they want to achieve. They then tie themselves in knots, trying to offer compassionate and egalitarian policies within a system that won’t allow for it.
The Holmes à Court Independents do not have a co-ordinated or indeed any economic policy as such, but insofar as they need to address economic issues, they all assume neo-classical economics is all there is.
So, for virtually the entirety of my voting life, I have been offered the choice of "no choice" when it comes to casting my vote.
An American colleague recently summed up my voting options for me — he was speaking about the U.S. system, but his words apply just as much to Australia:
“Our politicians have five miles of problems to deal with, but they squabble over five inches!”
I want to see those five miles addressed. I don’t want to have to decide whether I vote for the party which is addressing five inches to the Right, or the one which is addressing five inches further Right still.
Back in 2019, in conjunction with three close friends, I helped form a political party called The New Liberals. We chose the name very carefully, in part to reclaim the word "liberal", which aptly described the respective forms of government of Menzies and Whitlam, but which had been stolen by the Liberal Party of Australia and traduced to mean "conservative".
We needed to use the word "liberal" because we felt the Libs had left Australia with no word to represent an entrepreneurial and free form of government based on progressive economics, which did not despise capitalism but sought to restrain its excesses and inequalities.
That was us. We created a raft of progressive policies backed up by a clearly articulated economic policy. We proposed nothing short of turning a degrading Australia back towards the world-leading centre of justice and fairness it had once been.
From the beginning, to be leader of such a party was nothing short of exhilarating for me. I was inundated with calls and emails from people saying that we were what they had been waiting for. We were the real alternative with which they wished to make their social compact.
I was also approached by some of the country’s and the world’s best minds, wanting to join our advisory team. We were, of course, thrilled to take them on board and in short order, we had an advisory panel, the likes of which no previous party had known.
These world leaders then helped us refine and enhance our initial policies. In many cases, they offered totally original ideas that just stood out for their common sense, but which, unsurprisingly, had never been of interest to the neo-classical parties.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of all was how we ignited the enthusiasm of so many young and not-so-young journalists. In almost no time, we had a dozen or so reporters from right across the spectrum – from The Saturday Paper to – conducting a raft of interviews with myself and other senior party members aimed at presenting big feature articles and programs to the public about this new phenomenon.
But then things started to happen. One by one, articles and the programs didn’t happen when they were supposed to. The journalists, who had been ringing us every day, were suddenly not available. In the end, whilst we had some publicity from courageous papers like the one in which this is appearing, all the major publicity failed to materialise. It didn’t matter if the media outlet was so-called left or right, or anything in between. Not one of the major articles appeared. Not one of the programs went to air.
At first I thought the Morrison Government may have threatened the editors of the various publications and programs with being excluded from press briefings. However, eventually, conversations with some of the journalists involved led me to understand that, irrespective of the political colour of their editor, all editors knew that it was just too dangerous to the system as it worked for them and for the billionaires, and for all parties, to let the public actually have a real alternative party to vote for.
The upshot was that we continued to do significant interviews in the USA, Britain and Asia, all of which went to air. But the Australian public generally knew nothing of us.
We managed to remedy this, to some degree, by creating a strong online presence. The Government of the day did seem frightened by this. So much so, they decided to challenge our right to use the word "liberal" in our name, even though this was bound to give rise to – and did – to some media coverage, albeit limited to the narrow issue of the name.
The Liberal-led Government lost its challenge in the Electoral Commission, so it framed legislation making it illegal to use a word in a party name which was already in another party name, even if it did not give rise to confusion. Labor supported the legislation, which was pushed through in under 24 hours. We were doomed without our name and access to the media.
So, I had helped found a party that I would be happy to vote for, but I had to create it myself. Many others had seen what they were looking for as well, but clearly nowhere near enough for us to get anyone elected.
Now I am back to where I started — still required by law to vote, but having no one I could possibly want to vote for.
This leaves me with two alternatives: (i) vote for a person or party I dislike and cannot distinguish from other candidates or parties I dislike, even to the point of voting for the lesser of two evils, or (ii) take the cowardly route and deliberately cast an informal vote.
If I were allowed not to vote, I would at least have an honourable alternative — the right to abstain. Abstention is employed all over the world, from the United Nations to local government elections. It is a proper and appropriate way to say, I am not satisfied with any of them!
Clearly, I am talking about people like me whose desire to abstain comes from a thoughtful base. However, those who argue for compulsory voting suggest that many ignorant people would use the right to abstain as an excuse just to be lazy. That may be so, but is it better to force ignorant and lazy people to vote? All that does is skew the vote in the way of their anger and ignorance.
Knowing that they also need to court the unthinking and the unwilling, politicians rush to the bottom with ugly and simplistic policies which just might be quick, easy and prejudicial enough to catch fire with the angry, lazy voter. But, this also encourages journalists and other commentators to eradicate subtlety and nuance from their writing. The three-word slogan would be of little use to voters who were only going to vote if they heard something good.
Compulsory voting is unlikely to disappear. It is just too valuable to ensure the system will never change.
Meanwhile, we have literally millions of people living below the poverty line, hundreds of thousands of whom now only just survive as the homeless on the streets of our once glistening cities.
The gig economy keeps the working person totally pinned to the pavement and the shrinking middle class is now just a tortured shadow of what it once was. Perhaps most tragically of all, we now have at least two generations of struggling young people who don’t even know that alternatives and solutions are available.
Fortunately, however, house prices in Point Piper continue to rise.
Victor Kline is a writer and a barrister whose practice focuses on pro bono work for refugees and asylum seekers. You can follow Victor on Twitter/X @victorklineTNL.
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