Not Happy
What can one say
of the world of today,
That doesn't involve
despair and dismay
As we watch our reality
flip on its head
And oligarchs become politicians instead!
The wealthiest wallow
in riches obscene,
While the rest of us struggle
They're "living the dream".
The truth has been lost
in a forest of lies
That befuddle our minds
and betray our own lives.
The "exceptional" ones
are out of their brains
They've elected a con man
Who's clearly insane!
And the forces of greed
and destroyers of worlds
Count their dollars and shekels
as genocide unfurls.
The world's ethics and morals
have gone by the way,
And murderous maniacs
are holding full sway.
Climate change quickens
with each passing day
While coal and gas flourish
They're not going away!
So what can one say
of the world of today?
I'm leaning towards
Ann Meharg loves the English language (which is just as well because she can speak no other), loves to make people laugh and loves writing verse when inspired.

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