Proven racist Andrew Bolt is at it again, defending racist comments made against Indigenous AFL role model Adam Goodes last weekend. Senior correspondent Barry Everingham comments.
IT IS SELDOM that I take time to read the Liberal Party’s Victorian-based propaganda news letter, which is published under the “Herald Sun” title. This once great newspaper has plunged to really sinister depths in its obvious aim to bring down the Gillard government, which relies on the tweets of the U.S. citizen Rupert Murdoch to determine its daily editorial policy.
Like Washington determined our foreign policy under the Howard Government, a private citizen in New York now determines the daily front page fear campaigns of this once great newspaper.
But I digress.
The reason I opened the tome was to read the reaction of the Herald Sun to the disgusting racism heaped on one of our greatest footballers, Adam Goodes, who incidentally happens to be an Aboriginal.
This, of course, was all Andrew Bolt needed to work himself into a lather of racist self-righteousness which would have made Alan Jones and the rest of the Bolt cheer squad baying at the moon.
Now, Bolt wasn’t taking this incident lying down...
Incredibly, he opened his opinion piece as follows:
'I DETEST racists.'
He DETESTS racists!
This, from the bloke who traduced three prominent Aboriginals because, in his narrow, bigoted and highly racist view, their skin wasn’t dark enough to describe themselves as Aboriginal.
Needless to say, the trio took action and Bolt had his day in court, was found guilty of racial discrimination and hasn’t stopped complaining ever since.
So, not only is Bolt a racist, he is an officially proven racist.
Now, back to the column.
Bolt started off, for him, very carefully — saying the 13 year-old offender calling Goodes an ape was very rude and 'possibly racist'.
Goodes heard the remark and, very correctly, pointed out the 13 year old little miss to security.
Said Bolt:
'A bit over the top, since she is so young, but ...'
... wait for it ...
'... Goodes has Aboriginal ancestry and no doubt understandably feels such insults more keenly than I think reasonable.'
Now, this faux anthropologist seems to think he can determine who is a an Aboriginal and who isn’t; remember Bolt’s gratuitous “Goodes has Aboriginal ancestry”, which is tantamount to saying Bolt has no Australian ancestry but is 100 per cent Dutch.
But back to our little heroine and, like Bolt, I’m wondering what her parents are all about. Kids of 13, in the main, receive their opinions from home.
Gratuitous Bolt went further down, even for him.
Witness the following:
'Still, ... [Goodes is ] widely admired, has been showered with almost every prize in footy, and was playing in the Indigenous Round honouring players of his background. What, should one girl’s abuse matter against all that?'
'Well' opined Bolt, 'to Goodes it was so "shattering" the game itself "means nothing".'
Bolt said the media team was encouraged to
'... see the girl as a white racist caricature instead of just one very young teenager.'
Bolt is a grown-up white racist caricature, whose influence is terrifying.
He can hardly wait for the government to change so his heroes in the Abbott camp can change the laws to allow the likes of him to get away with saying anything, irrespective of the hurt it may cause.
We need to be afraid — very afraid.
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