
The lunatic right: polled to steaming point

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The lunatic right is in war mode — the polls have got them steaming. Barry Everingham explains.

By Barry Everingham

And their goddess Pauline Hanson is making another bid for Parliament—this time NSW’s Upper House.

God really needs to help Australia if Tony Abbott ever gets the keys to The Lodge; any Liberal watching Q&A on Monday night would surely realise Joe Hockey is their man—moderate, polite, rational.

Poor Tony, sniffing victory and egged on by the shocks jocks and the tabloid pontificators – who are the PR crew for the far right of the Liberal party – has become a misogynistic rabble-rouser of the worst kind—perhaps even unhinged. People in control don’t froth at the mouth; men who respect women don’t hurl the kind of abuse the failed seminarian hurls at Julia Gillard; and, in retrospect, anyone with half a brain surely wouldn’t bill himself at the “love child of John Howard and Bronwyn Bishop”.

Any child that pair formed would probably end up in a test tube in a museum— the thought is shattering.

The right accuses any ALP Government of being run by “outside forces”—for that read trade unions.

The "lunatic right is in war mode", says Barry Everingham

An Abbott Government would take its marching orders from the likes of George Pell, Michael Kroger, Andrew Bolt, John Howard, Neil Mitchell, Alan Jones and others of that troglodyte ilk—not an elected official among them. Even in opposition Abbott is singing from the One Nation hymn sheet; well why not—he helped Hanson form her party.

A vote for Abbott will turn Australia inwards—Asians will be scared to do business with us and imagine their joy if say Sarah Palin got the keys to the White House.

Abbot here—Palin there.

Stop the world while everyone gets off!
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